I expected to see the men here to start work on the basement first thing but they never arrived. They rang this afternoon and said they were starting on Wednesday morning. I was also expecting my friend 'suffolk' to come round for a day of crafting but her son was ill and she had to cancel. I didn't want to go out in case the 'men' did turn up so I got on with painting, washing and baking instead.
Smallest went off to school with a cold and a pocket full of tissues! The bus came early this morning so there was a big rush as Small was still putting on his boots and gloves and the bus was there waiting. Luckily Smallest ran out as it was coming up to our drive otherwise it would have kept going as it doesn't stop unless you are out there waiting (which is fine in the Summer but impossible to stand out there in this freezing weather).
The temperature today was around -12 (windchill -17) but the sun was out, so from inside the house it was lovely. No more snow forecast until Friday now and temperatures to go up to minus single figures from Wednesday onwards. However, that was the forecast and by late morning it had started snowing and carried on lightly for most of the day.
I managed to make a soup and some muffins, get two loads of washing done and dried, folded and nearly all put away. I finished off my tin of paint on the cupboards and moved the Dresser which was stupid as all the crockery on it fell off. Good job I can catch. No breakages but now it is all crooked and needs propping up somehow. I watched a Mr Selfridge during breakfast and lunch.
I had a very long Skype with Moo, where we showed each other our knitting/crochet projects and generally caught up with each others news. The boys came home and started clearing their respective paths before even coming in the door. Small only did half of his and Smallest half-heartedly did his. I cleared the drive, finished off Smallest's and did a bit of Small's. Small had won the 1st annual Uno Championship from the Winter Carnival on Saturday. He won a $10 voucher for the Hamlets General Store. I wonder what he will buy? He has to be quick though as it runs out by February 28 2014. Huffle edit - a packet of crisps at those prices, arkwrights got nothing on that place!
Small did his homework and Smallest played on the computer. I had a telesales call regarding subscribing to a newspaper. I gave them the normal line about being a busy Mum with no time to sit and read a newspaper and they came back with "ahhh that's why we are offering you a Saturday only subscription". BUT I STILL HAVE CHILDREN AT THE WEEKEND!!! "Ah yes madam of course, well enjoy the rest of your week, Goodbye"
Huffle came home armed with a breakfast or pudding item from a Lebanese man in his office and we all ate our soup and then the new pudding. It was a pancake with a sweet ricotta infused with Rise water or Orange Blossom with a rose syrup, interesting and nice. The kids went off to Cubs and Beavers which today was at Small's friend's house where they sledged. Small had a great time but Smallest didn't. There seems to be a lack of responsibility from the Leaders. I know some are great and love what they do but there were several incidents this evening where it proves that Cubs and Beavers sledging down a hill together does not work. Poor Smallest was in tears once home. To be fair Small did stick up for him at one point for which we were very pleased with but we have told Smallest that there will be no more sledging with the Cubs which is a shame. Had Huffle or I been there it would have been a different matter but we aren't leaders and we don't want to be leaders.
Huffle and I played table tennis while they were gone and watched one of our programmes. Huffle picked the boys up and they went to bed almost straight away. They should sleep well, they looked shattered!
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