Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Paint the Field

A while ago, one of the Mums at school (also the Mum of the boys friends) asked if I could take our PingPong Jar game (that we introduced at the Hamlet's Heritage Festival) to the School's Springfest. We agreed to do it, though not be on the committee, but until late last night had heard nothing more. We assumed it wasn't needed! A late email confirmed we were needed but I said we couldn't make it. The boys have their last swimming lessons on Friday (which is when it is) and we don't get home until 7pm. The Springfest is 5pm till 8pm. Anyway, to cut a long and boring story very short, after lots of driving back and forth and phone calls and text messages, Huffle is going to run the game from 5pm and we are going to join him and take over from 7pm after swimming. Honestly, the committee is so disorganised. I was asked to join the committee but I declined!

Huffle went to work and the boys went to school. Today was warm bit dullish! I went off to my exercise class on my bike. It was very hot in the loft today and we struggled. I am expecting lots of aches tomorrow. I cycled home, got beckoned over by Drew and we walked back to our house. Her house is now on the market and all the Realtors were visiting today so she wanted to be out of the house. We walked around the garden and she told me which trees were which. There a few in the back garden that we really like and when we were cutting the trees and bushes down, we saved the ones we particularly liked. Apparently we have a good eye and we saved the right ones.

On the way past the field today and I noticed a load of painters

I had a tour around her house and we chatted. I came home and had lunch and watched the end of Happy Valley - oooh it's gruesome. I scared myself watching which is why I watch it in the day!!! I also did some knitting, a bit of tidying and some washing sorting. Then I mowed the grass. It was a bit wet so much harder to cut (even though I sit on the mower and don't do a lot). I only got stuck once and that was at the end of the garden. The boys came home while I was still mowing and I had to switch the mower off several times because they wanted to talk to me (it is vey noisy and you have to wear ear protectors).

Small's friend came to play and they played on the wii. Smallest rang his friend but he wasn't there so he played with the other two on the wii.

Huffle came home. After dinner Huffle and I raked the grass and the boys helped pick it up and wheel it to compost corner before playing on the Computer. Huffle and I created a new path.

Happy birthday to Lala beach elderflower meadow.





Wonder Woman said...

Tell me more - what is a ping pong jar game??x

Unknown said...

Grandma also watches Happy Valley in the day for the same reason, Sarah Lancashire is brilliant in the role. Have a feeling it won't end well.

famfa said...

Lots of jars - throw the ping ping ball and hope it goes in - you win what's in the jar - a very English fair game - never seen here xxxx

famfa said...

I can imagine - bad dreams for grandma. Sarah lancashire is brilliant in everything she does. Hope it ends well xx