Saturday 19 May 2012

Chipmunks - not on my lawn!

Everyone slept although I had a horrible dream (recurring) about a bus (not always a bus but always transport of some sort) travelling at high speeds steeply downhill and then when it gets to the bottom it then goes uphill so steeply that I think it will tip backwards. It's horrible. I am guessing it means something like I am not in control. Which, quite frankly, I'm not!

We had breakfast, Grandma Skyped us and we got to talk to CousinE and Grandad and Uncle Grump. Smallest and I went out to look for crocs, ice blocks, washing line, an IPad charger and a baguette. An interesting list of items. We got all of them without too much trouble and went home for lunch.

Everyone has gone mad here with flags and things for Victoria Day. Small tried on a hat (I'm sure Queen Victoria never wore one of those!)

Smallest had been a bit tetchy and sensitive while we were out and kept running off to his room. He woke up coughing, so we are wondering if he is not well! I am not making excuses here.

Huffle found a mass (and I mean a big mass) of flying ants in the barn, all over the window, almost covering the window. He called Mr Royal who came and had a look and the they both walked to the Beer Store (they sell other things too honest!). They came back with a insecticide and sprayed it on them. They are pretty much gone now!

The boys standing at a safe distance from the flying things!

Played football. Put up washing line. Emptied the hot tub (that we broke the week we moved in) and made it into a paddling pool for the boys. Wish we hadn't as it only caused arguments and an almighty tantrum from smallest who hated me again but this time very loudly right in my ear. Today he has punched me, poked me in the face and kneed Huffle in the chest! Not a good day for him. He has had his beloved Skunky taken off him and although he pleaded for it to be given back, and promised he would be good from now on, we kept it!

We had a visit from ClownRose and BabyMo who both walked here bare foot! They stayed for a beer (though we didn't let BabyMo have one!). We chatted about children, gardens, work etc. she is going to babysit for us one night so we can get out on our own. That will be good for us all I think!

While we had dinner I talked to the boys about their behaviour. For once they listened intently, agreeing with most of what I said. They are going to make a special effort to get on with each other and not be horrible to us! I put them to bed and Huffle tidied the garden and watered the plants. The boys were very polite to each other whilst getting ready for bed. Small knocked on Smallest's door. "come in" said Smallest. "would it be okay if i did your puzzle with you and Mummy and then you can listen to my story after?" said Small. "yes that would be alright" said Smallest. We did a puzzle nicely and then went into Small's room and read Mr Quiet. I asked if they wanted to give each other a goodnight kiss but they pulled faces and decided they could 'raspberry' each other though. I took that and marched Smallest into his room. LOVELY.

Whilst all this was happening, Huffle found a hole in the lawn? He watched a Chipmunk go down it but not come back. He watered the hole. He thinks they are living in an old tree trunk next door.

I made some veggie burgers for tomorrow. Then made some gingerbread. Huffle and I tried it. Yum yum. Wow, my baking is coming back. Wahoooooo. Shame those moral guardians live so far away now, else I know they would smell the baking and come for a visit just at the right time!

Looking forward to our trip out tomorrow. Boys have promised to be on their best behaviour.




Anonymous said...

Mmm gingerbread.... if the wind had been in right direction reckon the moral guardians may well hv been on the scent xx

famfa said...

I'm guessing you are one of them? X

Anonymous said...

Possibly , not sure who I am sometimes .... Who do u think i might be?

famfa said...

Well when I mentioned gingerbread did you think of egg cups ?

Anonymous said...

Not really , think this a case of misinterpretation . However on reflection would rather like o be an m.g. X

famfa said...

I can't make you a mg unless I know who you are x

Anonymous said...


I can definitely smell the baking!!

Lots of Love


(The oldest and wisest of the moral guardians)