Tuesday 15 May 2012

Let's stay in today Mummy!

Huffle went to bed last night with a sore throat. We had a terrible night's sleep again. Too warm. Small burst into our room shouting, there's something horrible in the garden making an awful noise. We think it was Coyotes. Then we were woken again with scuffling and snuffling noises - it was Rosie Raccoon emptying our compost bin.

I had lots of dreams, mainly one about watching videos on YouTube (which is what we were doing before we went to sleep)! Arrr how annoying.

Smallest said he didn't want to go out today. He wanted to stay in because it would be more fun. He played on the computer while I read my book and had a leisurely breakfast. Then we went into the loft and crafted. I started his sock monkey while he made some Easter decorations (leftover from Easter). We then built a train track, came down and had lunch, drew, coloured, skyped the DotDots and then played football.

I decdided to mow the glass at the back and Smallest helped me. I couldn't do it with him on the mower though so he got grumpy while I mowed. I let him have an ice cream and he was happy for a while and then he came back on. In the end I told him to get off because he kept bumping his tummy and I didn't want to hurt him. Grandad could do it!!!! Not Me though!

We had a visit from Mrs Royal and we showed her what we had done in the garden. Small came home wanting to play football but before we could get the goal out he was already playing on the computer. Can't understand why they don't want to be out. It's a beautiful day.

Hallo maay naaame iz Smaaawwl. Howdy dooooo?

I called them down when dinner was ready. Huffle came home slightly earlier feeling poorly. Oh dear.

we all played football together. When I went to water all the plants we noticed a chipmunk moving very slowly under the barn. He looked poorly too. Then we saw another one by the compost bin that Rosie had knocked over last night. I decided to leave the stuff out as it is only a couple of apples and some peelings. It may stop him dragging the bin around, however, Alvin the Chipmunk has got there first today. Busily chewing on an apple.

The mess Rosie left with Alvin the other side of the fence
Cheeky chipmunk, she kept one eye on me at all times
Fat cheeks
We found her home in the plastic box on the drive where we keep the bird seed, oh no, the bird seed!!!!! Oh yes he had that too.

We have now put it in a bucket with a closed lid. Pesky things these Canadian wildlife.

Poor Huffle, I made him a hearty Tomato and basil soup. Soothing soup!


Mary Ann Tate said...

They chew through plastic...the little pests. We have our seed in a metal cabinet in the garage:)

Anonymous said...

Hope huffle soon feeling better, He seems 2b getting a few bugs. Any chance of a mini holiday? Great photos today partic like chipmunk close ups. Love aunt pxx

Anonymous said...

Hi I hope Huffle is feeling better. Everett XX

Anonymous said...

Hope Huffle feels better and doesn't come down with the lurgy. The little chippies are incredibly intelligent, doesn't take them long to find stuff!


famfa said...

Mary Ann - that's not good, metal bins from now on then!

Aunt pear - think this is Huffle's first illness. Holiday in the summer Hols.

Everett - thanks mate.

Brenda - too late - he's got it! Tey are so cute though. Can see why they made a movie out ofthem!!