Thursday 31 May 2012

No Grilled Cheese Today Thank You

No incidents last night.

My friend Yahoo was in Marks and Spencers, wished I was there with her and sent me this photo

Smallest stayed at home with me. He played on the computer, had a bath and then we walked to the library. It wasn't as warm today, in fact I wore a jacket and Smallest wore his fleece (still had shorts on though). On our way I took some photos of lovely things.....

I absolutely love daisies - I didn't pick them or pull them up (but I wanted to)

Wild flowers
Buttercups in long grass - lovely
Wow, look at those clouds

We coloured in, read a book, chose some new books ........

............and went to the park.

He climbed and swung and hung and slid until he decided it was time for an ice cream (he decided against a grilled cheese sandwich today!).

Walking along, eating his ice cream, minding his own business. There was I carrying my handbag, the books and his scooter, with no ice cream. Is that something written across the top of my head?

Mrs Royal was busy in her garden getting it ready for Sunday. Smallest ran away even though she was going to tickle him.

We came in and had lunch and watched the Lion King. Then we played with the Lego. Small came home and played with us. I went out and tended the veg garden and the boys came out to ask if they could go on the computer together, take it in turns. They did their silly talk together routine. Small was banned so Smallest went on and Small watched him until dinner was ready. Small did his EQAO and said he thinks he did okay. It was literacy - not his favourite subject. All the kids were told they could chew gum in the test. Small doesn't like gum, in fact he's never tried it and I don't really want him to. I think it looks horrible. Anyway, because he was the only one in the room not chewing, his teacher gave him some 'taffy' as she said it helps your brain to work!! Does it? Is that a scientific fact?

They had sausage in a slider bun with cheese. I thought they were having burgers and sliced some cheese but they thought it was great. Huffle finished off their sausages and beans and had them on toast.

After dinner we sat and watched a bit of Mr Magoriums Magic Emporium (we discovered this film a few months ago and the boys love it). All was well until I decided it was time for bed for Smallest. He chose his book, went upstairs and then refused to clean his teeth or get into his PJ's. Then came a huge tantrum. We've not had so many of these for a while. He was like a person possessed, just shouting and hitting out.

It went on for quite a while and I tried ignoring him but he was disturbing Small's bedtime routine. In the end Huffle came home (after a baseball match where he pulled his hamstring - OUCH) and took over. He finally calmed down and went to bed crying. He came downstairs and Huffle told him to apologise to me but he wouldn't. Eventually I went up to him, asked if I could sit on his bed and we talked and cuddled. He has no idea why he got so mad but I think it may have been because I moved his shorts and tee shirts into his drawers because I was fed up seeing them being screwed up in the bottom of his wardrobe. I don't know, boys and their drawers!!!!!!!!!

I thought it was his Friday to be off but he is in fact at school. Phew. I think we both need it.

We are sitting at the kitchen table (9pm), Huffle has his leg raised with frozen sweetcorn adorning his leg, eating cake and drinking tea. I am blogging (as per) also eating cake and drinking tea. LOVELY JUBBLY.


Anonymous said...

Loved photos of the beautiful things. Am up early very still and quiet having my daily dose of life in canada. Hopefully smallest's tantrums will continue to decline, must be wearing on u all you especially. Love to all and huffle's poorly leg, you know what unc pear will tell him..... Robbo, robbo! Aunt pear x

famfa said...

Huffle is just getting older (whoops). I love The changing things I see every week. Just from walking aling the same path.