Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Trousers off and hold breath

There was no I'm a Celebrity last night. We were really disappointed. I don't know if it just wasn't on or whether the person who puts it on YouTube didn't do it. BOOOOOOO!

Everyone slept well. Huffle went off to work. Small went off to school. No snow but cold. Ice on the inside of the Sun Room window.

Smallest and his 'from birth' teddy, Smelly, had a bath. It was very funny listening to him bathing his little friend. He put him in an upside down drum and floated him around, washed him and helped him 'swim'. The only problem is now we can't get him dry. He may have to sleep without him tonight!

He read to me and then we went shopping. First stop was the Post Office. We had two parcels to send to the same house in England. One was for Christmas and the other was just a treat. However, they both cost over $17 each. I didn't mind for the presents but for the treat, it was only some sweets and chocolate, so I changed my mind and only sent the presents. Moo will have to take the sweets back for me instead. Also found out today that if I am sending anything the the UK for Christmas, it has to be by the 30 November. Bloody Hell! We are going to have to completely change the way we shop I think. It will all have to be via Amazon and Internet - I have probably already said this but the postage is ridiculous. I received a gorgeous thing in the post today from the UK and the postage on that was £2.30. That doesn't compare to what we pay here for the other way, unless I'm missing something! As we came out of the Post Office, Smallest said "pooh it stinks, I'm going to take my trousers off and hold my breath!". (There was a smell similar to muck spreading) he looked at me and we fell about laughing. He didn't mean to say 'take his trousers off'. i think he was about to say something else and then forgot!

Anyway, next we went to the Furniture Consigment shop. My lovely Green Chair was still there. Now half price. I messaged Huffle to see if I could buy it but he ignored me (obviously a good tactic and one that worked because I left it!). He said later he was in a meeting and didn't see it till later! I also saw those lovely sofas in there again and realised they weren't as light coloured as I remembered. I am going to try and make Huffle go in there on Saturday and force him to look at them and my Green Chair!!

Next we went to the supermarket and bought a few supplies. Smallest was brilliant but tired and hungry. We rushed home, had lunch, quickly skyped LizzieDotDot (who was waiting for her delivery of fish and Chips - I was very jealous!). We played on the Wii after I put the shopping away and then played Pokemon Yahtzee - Smallest won!

We got ready for TaeKwonDo and drove to school. Small did his homework while I watched Smallest.

It was his last lesson and I asked the Master for his card to see if we could sign the kids up for lessons properly. He said that Smallest should go twice a week at this stage. Not sure how we will fit that in. Will speak to Huffle!

Small finished his homework and then he and Smallest played on the Wii. I made dinner. Huffle came home. We all had dinner together. We played a quick game of Pokeman Yahtzee and then Huffle and I worked through a pile of paperwork that had to be sorted. Bills that requested payment when we had already paid them, forms and waivers for Small for his rock climbing and and his snowboarding lessons, Claims forms for my foot, checking and signing of homework. Honestly, we get more paperwork to sort through than the boys get homework! that cant be right! One, or both of us, should have gone to a meeting tonight about the building on the field but there just is never enough time to do anything. We checked the time and place of the meeting and realised we had five minutes to get there, the kids were tired and wanted putting to bed, my foot was killing me, Huffle had had a hard week already and I was fed-up. We decided not to go.

Huffle put the boys to bed. I rang the Garden Centre to see when they needed me to go in, tidied up the paperwork and made some jam tarts. It was past 9pm by the time Huffle and I finished our 'to do lists'. He watched Stoke and I soaked my feet in Epsom Salts (my foot fixer said so!).

That is pottermus, Stoke's best player. Ha ha ha

Tomorrow is Assembly day at the school and both boys have 'achieved' something and will be getting 'recognised' so I have to be at the school for 9:05am. Clever Boys.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do a foot bath with Epsom Salts a couple of times a week, really helps my tired feet and legs. I liked Smallest's comment!
