Saturday, 24 May 2014

The camp was as big as Japan*

It was an early start for us all this morning. The boys were up at their usual 7am, followed by me at 7:30 in the shower and down making breakfast for Smallest and myself. Huffle was up not long after me, getting himself ready and making breakfast for himself and Small.

Smallest and I were out of the house by 8:30am and driving off to the Beaver Camp. My Sat Nav told us we would be there for 9:08 so Smallest kept an eye on it and we managed to shave off five whole minutes by going just over the speed limits when we weren't stuck behind Mr Careful or tractor! It was a funny journey. We had to park far away and then walk into the camp, where there were many Beavers (the children kind, not the buck toothed kind) and they all looked the same. Finding the right place to be was quite a challenge. Apparently we were told a number but I didn't know that. Luckily I found another woman who didn't know where she was going and she found another woman with a map. Smallest was installed safely with his Beaver leader who also offered to bring him home via a camping shop.

I drove on to my sewing shop where I had a quilting 'lesson', was given my pieces of fabric to enable me to make a panel involving Robins and appliqué (this should be interesting!). I left and drove home where I bumped into Huffle and Small who had also just arrived home. They had been to Mini Golf (Crazy Golf) where Small had managed three hole in ones and won. They also played in the batting cages. On the way home they popped into the Country market where they bought a Blue Jays tee shirt for me and a Montreal tee shirt for Small and a couple of chalkboard moustaches for the basement (well you have to don't you?).

We then drove to Whitevale for the Spring Fair. After parking the car, we walked down the bunting laden road and stopped for tea, two tiny sandwiches without crusts and a two biscuits. It was a mixture of Greek cakes and biscuits and British. I had shortbread, Huffle had a Scottish biscuit which was like a jammy dodger with icing and Small had Baclava which was a honey soaked cinnamon pastry.

We walked down the road, checking out the books on the way and bumping into some British neighbours. We looked at the far too warm sheep, briefly looked at the over expensive plants and stopped at the Eccentric Drum Bicycle. Small climbed aboard and played a few tunes and then Huffle joined him.

Next we played 'shoot the football', 'throw the baseball' and get the tennis ball through the hockey hole. Small also took part in the egg and spoon race and won a frisbee type thing. We had ice creams and tried to watch the cork duck race but it was so warm so we ended up slowly walking back up the hill. There was not as much there as in previous years so it was a bit disappointing.

A funny sign in the ice cream van - weed-end!!!

We came home, attached the sprinkler to the hose and Small ran through it to cool down. We used the hose on the football to try and score goals and the boys played football while I relaxed and knit. We Skyped Grandma and Grandad to boast about our glorious weather (finally) and Small and I played Connect Four and mastermind on the sunbeds in the dappled shade.

We put the bread machine on and made pizza dough and sat in the front garden and waited for Smallest to come home. Huffle sat and watched the end of the Champions League Match in the front garden on the IPad. Smallest's leader brought Smallest home and asked if he could go back to theirs for dinner. Then they came back about ten minutes later and asked if we all wanted to come back for a barbecue. We grabbed a few bits and walked to their house, Small biked.

The kids (they have a boy Smallest's age and two younger girls) all played outside and we chatted and drank beer and wine. We had a great time and the kids loved it. We finally left, walked home and got back about 9:30pm - the boys went straight to bed with orders not to get up too early!!!!!

*smallest told us the camp was so big! it was as big as Japan and he knew how big Japan was because they learnt about it in school!



AA said...

As big as Japan?? Wow!! That is a big camp!


Corinne said...

Sounds like a lovely day - look forward to seeing the photos x