Thursday, 30 April 2015

Is it appropriate to laugh?

Another beautiful day with temperatures of around 20* and sunshine all day. The boys went to school with suncream on despite the fact that no-one else in the whole of Canada puts suncream on this early in the year (so says Small). We had to have a conversation later about what is a responsible thing to do and what we say to people who laugh at us for wearing it!

Huffle bunkered and did a bit of gardening in his breaks. I went and picked up Suffolk and we went off to the sewing shop to hand in our $10 quilt squares. She didn't have a new one for us as the rest of the class is doing the robins that we did the first week. She has given us a month off and we will be given a more complicated one next time. We popped into a few shops and eventually stopped for lunch in a lovely Cafe where we had quiche and soup, a cup of tea and a slice of cake. We have not seen each other for a while so we had a good catch up and a laugh.

When I got home I did a bit of gardening and then boys came home. Smallest had a friend over to play and they shouted through the hedge at Otto and called him a madman and asked him about his smoking. I had to tell them off and made them shout SORRY (though I'm not sure he heard them). I told friends Dad when he collected him. Of course Smallest had nothing to do with it (though the friend knew we called him Otto and that he smoked weird stuff!).

Beautiful Bluebells
First Trillium leaves.
Small went to play at Log's house and I got the dinner. We all ate and then sat on the porch swatting mosquitoes away. Last night one bit me right on the bottom of my foot. Bloomin' things. I read an article in the paper today that said region (council) is putting pesticides in drains to try and control the mosquito larvae. Good, get rid of them!


P.s. Grandad - Huffle finished off the screen fixings tonight ollowing your excellent prototypes.


Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Potting About

Small decided to wake us up this morning at 6:30am instead of 7:30am! Wombat! We struggled to get much more sleep after that and Huffle didn't sleep well because of the wind (outside not inside, now that Grandad has gone ha ha).

The boys went to school after applying sun cream much to their annoyance, after all "it is only April" Small said. Oh well that's okay then! The temperatures were up to 22* with bright sunshine. Huffle and I even had our lunch on the porch and I managed a cup of tea on there mid morning.

We both did a little bit in the garden today. I filled the cedar pot with leaves, leaf mould, ash from the fire pit and compost and Sheep poo and then planted the Alberta Spruce in there after Huffle had moved it for me. I watered a few plants and potted up some succulents from last year. Huffle planted some poppies from the nursery and a few of our newly bought plants and dug some of the side near where the new path is going.

I love it when the bulbs start shooting through the dead leaves.

After lunch I went to pottery and made what was supposed to be a Bird House. It started as a round shape and I cut out a heart for the bird to nest in but when I tried to make a perch it resembled a tongue so I made it into a frog which then turned into something else. I'm sure it will scare th birds away but I I know it will make the boys laugh.

With the small amount of time and clay I had left over, I made a tea bag dish to put tea bags in when you take them out of your cup. I had a lovely time but I struggled a bit with my shoulder, think I may have done too much this morning when I was supposed to be resting.

On the way home I did a quick shop and picked up something for dinner tonight. When I got home the boys were back and playing on their tablets after sorting their bags and doing a chore. Huffle had the football on in the background. Leicester lost BOOOOO!

I made dinner, we ate dinner and then Small, Huffle and I peddled around the garden putting in a couple of plants and watering while Smallest was in the shower. Huffle took Small to basketball and Smallest and I played on the Wii.

The house is very quiet without Grandma and Grandad who incidentally got home safe and sound.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNTY A - We are going to have a birthday here for her.


Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Departing Dinosaurs

Huffle had to leave early this morning in order to go to the office, have many meetings and meet his new boss. Apparently she was 'normal' and seemed nice. There were tears and hugs as he left this morning from Grandma (never easy) and then she had to deal with it all over again when the boys left for school.

It was a beautiful day today with temperatures reaching 21* and very sunny. Our first daffodil of the season came out today.

After breakfast we skyped Moo who was busy showing us what she had found in her loft. My dolls I had as a child, a Sindy doll and clothes and Sindy furniture (worth a bit as is classed as Vintage despite my junior years) but we think we will hang on to it for a few more years. It was funny as she scared Grandad with one of the dolls - he thought it was freaky! He also tried to get her to put a hat on so he could take a photo but she wouldn't.

Grandad and I went off to the Nursery as I wasn't sure my message about not working today had got through. It hadn't! MrsM mentioned that we might be going to the Royal York next week and I told her Aunty A was here but it went over her head. I wonder if Aunty A would want to go and whether she would be allowed to go? We managed to snaffle a couple of pallets too and Grandad stored them away in his Grandad Cave. While we were outside we visited 'Pauline' (Grandads dug up girlfriend from compost corner). She had climbed a tree while he wasn't watching so Grandad taught her a lesson! We put her back in her place for when he returns (I hoe she doesn't do too much walking between now and then).

I had a tidy and a sweep and then the three of us (Grandma and Grandad and I, not Pauline) went to a local Bakery where we sat outside in the sunshine and had a lovely lunch. I bought soup and cakes for the boys and Huffle's dinner and the three of us went for a drive to a nearby lake where we had ice cream outside. We had another near miss today when a car in front was weaving all over the road and then got into the lane to turn left but pulled in front of me as soon as the lights changed. I honked good and loud but they still drove like an idiot.

Back home, quick cup of tea, a weigh of the cases, some petrol and then we were on our way to the airport. It took over an hour and was quite slow but at least it was moving. We parked, went in, found the checking desk, got rid of bags and I sent them packing through their gate after some hugs. It doesn't get any easier saying Goodbye but we did have a lovely visit with them. I hope they had as much fun as we did and I know the boys absolutely loved having them here. After all, Grandad is the best Grandad in the whole wide world (and their only one he he). After a bit of hide and seek and wave, I left them and drove home.

Grandad's jobs.

It took nearly two hours to get home - the traffic was horrendous. Moving but very very slowly. I was watching some of the cars and the way they switched from lane to lane. I kept a note of some of the cars that did this and noted that they mainly moved no further forward than me despite the fact I stayed where I was. Silly Billies. As I was nearing home a car (possibly the twentieth that trip) pushed in between me and the car in front (I like to leave room in case of stopping which happened a lot). I shook my fist at him and he shook his back and we both laughed. Bloody stupid drivers!!!! No wonder there are so many accidents.

When I got home, Small was home alone playing on his tablet with strict instructions not to answer the door. We played a couple of games of Cluedo while Smallest and Huffle were at swimming. The boys watched TV before bed and Huffle and I relaxed in front of the TV. Hard work this visitor lark. Oh well, we have a break now for four days.




Monday, 27 April 2015

Your generosity Gnomes no bounds

At 3am Huffle heard noises and went downstairs to investigate. Then when we were fully awake, we heard noises outside which kept us awake for longer. The rest of the early morning I spent awake and in pain with my shoulder. What a terrible nights sleep!

The boys went off to school with a promise of temperatures of 24* but in reality it got no warmer than 12*. We also had a little bit of rain, lots of dark clouds and a bit of sun. Grandma and I left Huffle in the bunker and Grandad mending the china cabinet. Grandma and I went off to my sewing shop with the intention of handing in my sewing square and picking up my next task and also to show Grandma the shop. However it was closed. On the way to the shop, just outside of the Hamlet we had a scare. We were at the traffic lights and they turned to green (for us) we started to drive forwards over the junction (intersection) and a car came flying across the road towards us. It was going very fast and would have very easily mowed us down, squashing Grandma first. I'm guessing we would have been lucky to survive. We did stop when we saw him, luckily, but we have no idea what he was thinking about. He skidded violently and smoke was coming off his tyres. My he bloody idiot. We were very shocked and drove off carefully but we should have stopped and given him a good telling off!

Next we went to the Mall and looked at dinner plates. We found some we liked and they were 40% off but had no prices on so we hung around for what seemed like ages and then attracted the attention of the sales woman. "Can you give us some prices please on some playes?" We politely said. "After I have dealt with my customer" she said and waved us away dismissively. The cheek of the woman. We blew her a silent raspberry and left the shop. We were just saying how it was the closest store to John Lewis we had been in as well. We stopped for a nice cup of tea served to us by a nice polite lady and left to join Grandad and Huffle for lunch. The place we wanted to go was also shut and so was our second choice. We ended up in an Italian type of place and had a nice meal together. Grandad and Huffle then left for a trip to the Tire and Grandma and I found the same shop from earlier but in a different mall. This time we found a nice sales woman who found us the price and even helped us to put our purchases in the car. Grandma thanked her for being so nice. I hope they are on some sort of commission.

We came home in time for a sit down and look at our crockery before the kids came home. Small had a letter to sign about the trip to Quebec next year, plus a letter to sign about a trip to a theme park for a musical festival he may be appearing in Summertime as a technical assistance. All of this costing much money, so he was being very helpful in putting things away and finding things for me. He is going to help out a lot more in order to earn his trips away. He also wants to go to Summer Camp!!!!! I think he may need to get a job! Smallest came home with a black eye from being hit with a football!


MrsPiano arrived and Small had his lesson first. She said she was very proud of the boys performance yesterday.

Grandad made the boys tea (because they expect it at least once per visit). He made them a one pot sausage, egg and beans dinner - because then there is only one pot to wash up!

I did see him wash up the pan in between making it for Small and Smallest - wouldn't that be the same as using two pots? "I'm looking after my boys" he said smugly. The boys have his meal a 10 and 9.7 out of 10. He is very happy with the results.

We played Yahtzee while Small was at scouts having a rubbish time.

Smallest's faces!

Tonight is Grandma and Grandad's last evening here. I am taking them to the airport tomorrow. Wow, that time went fast? It has been a good visit and they will be back soon enough.


And in six days time we will have another visitor......

She says she keeps buying us chocolate and then eating it!!! Naughty Aunty A.


Sunday, 26 April 2015

Dead men can be fashionable

When we got home last night from our meal, poor Grandma and Grandad were sitting talking to each other (actually they weren't they were watching a blank television screen because they didn't know how to work it and they didn't want to disturb Small who was in bed). I forgot to give them the Moo instructions on how to work general things when we are not there.

We went out for Brunch today. Grandad had Eggs Benedict which he said was really good. Grandma and I had Belgium Waffles, fruit and Maple Syrup. Smallest and Huffle had omelette and Smallest had a triple decker Grilled cheese. It was very nice and relaxed and got us ready for our trip to Port Perry for the boys Piano Recital.

Grandma, Huffle and Small drove off in one car and Grandad, Smallest and I in another. We ended up going different ways because I didn't adhere to the No Left Turn and then followed my GPS, whereas Huffle went the way he knew. However, part of the way, Smallest remembered that he needed his Piano Books and we headed for home. It was a good job we did as we did need them. Eventually we all met up in Port Perry and wandered off to the new Brewery there to have a look. We stopped also for ice cream and walked down to the lake to eat them. In the sun it was lovely but the wind was still quite cool.

I left Huffle, Grandma and Grandad by the lake and took the boys to their Piano Teachers house where they practised on her proper piano. At 2pm the rest of the crowd arrived. Six children (five playing). Twelve adults including the teacher and her husband. Chairs were put out for the kids to sit on to wait to play and chairs for the audience. We had a program and the kids started playing. They all did very well and Small and Smallest played excellently (they have only been playing for six months). After the recital, applause, bows and curtsies, we were invited into the kitchen where we had sandwiches, cakes, tea and pop.

We all chatted for a while and ate some nice cakes, said our thank yous and then left. It was quite bizarre but we were very proud of the kids. Their teacher asked if they wanted a lesson tomorrow (I thought they would say no because they have put in a lot of practise recently) and they said they did want one.

We came home, played football, had a cuppa and went into the garden and did some 'light duties' while I pointed at what needed doing. My shoulder is much worse than yesterday and is hurting doing certain things. I went in the shower and put serious heat on it which helped to ease it a little. Grandad and Huffle dug in some Sheep Manure and ash from the fire pit and then Huffle and I planted Leeks, Red Onions and Spinach and then we filled the old tin bath and sowed lettuce and rocket.

After dinner the boys watched TV and when the kids went to bed, we watched the pomposity of Monty Don (borrowed word from Huffle) doing Gardeners World.


Huffle read in the news that a Polar Plume is set to blow in from the North Pole this week in Britain sending temperatures plunging to minus temperatures. Oh dear!


Saturday, 25 April 2015

We've been drinking Sap!

Grandma and I saw this lovely old Fire Engine yesterday while we were out and about. Grandma has been criticising my photography lately, saying I need to think outside of the box. This photo, however, was a social photograph and one she felt showed a deep and profound insight into a bygone era (ps she was a bit drunk when she told me to write this - so Grandad said).

Last night it appears that Grandad behaved himself and came home in a relatively decent state although Grandma and I got bored of waiting up. Grandad was allowed into the loft. Quite disappointing really. This morning we applauded his behaviour, we also made him aware that we knew it was because he was firmly under Grandma's thumb!

Grandad and Quiche

After breakfast, we left the boys looking after Grandma (or was it the other way round?) and Huffle and I took Grandad to the Country Market. There, we purchased sandals for me, crocs for Grandad, laundry baskets for Grandma and Pokemon cards for the boys. (Grandad spoils those boys! - I have only just found out that they were given four bags of Wine Gums each, one bag has already been scoffed and the the other three have been hidden - though I have found two of them!).

Today we had beautiful sunshine with temperatures of 15*. Lovely and warm in the sunshine but still a bit cool when the wind blew. Mrs Rumbleskins sent me photos and videos of the hailstorm they had in Oz. wow, they are having some strange weather.

We took advantage of our weather and went to Mini (Crazy) Golf for 19 holes of hilarious activity. Unfortunately the up and down slopes and bridges did not agree with Grandmas ankle and she struggled a little. Smallest hit himself in the eye with a golf ball but he was being silly and trying to throw it through a tunnel! It hurt him a lot but he is fine now.

Huffle won. Grandma and Grandad came second (same score), me third and the boys trickled just behind. It was fun and we celebrated with ice cream.

Next we tried the batting cages. Huffle went first and hit a few homeruns, followed by Small and then Smallest. I went next but immediately hurt my shoulder (it felt like it came out of its socket and back in again). Grandad had a go, or I should call him Slugger.

We came home, Smallest rested him eye by playing basketball and swing ball followed by football. Grandma put her foot up to rest and I was left with a bag of peas. Smallest helped me to write the blog today but he kept adding bits so I took it off him.

Huffle played football with the kids and Grandad and I walked down to the bottom of th garden and made plans for rhubarb no more raspberries. We noticed one of th maples was leaking sap so we stopped to taste it. Me: it won't be poisonous will it? Grandad: NO! (I taste it) well I don't think so! We stood there catching the drips and tasting bits of it. It was very clear but tasted slightly sweet. We decided we would have a go at tapping it next year (I will make sure I get the appropriate spile and bucket).

Huffle and I went out to the Indian and left Grandma and Grandad babysitting. WAHOOOOOO! We had a fabulous dinner out.



Friday, 24 April 2015

You've let Showaddywaddy down!

This was the view out of our window is morning.....

The boys argued with me about wearing a coat for school, despite the temperature being -6* (with windchill). Huffle assures me that this is the end of the bad weather and the following week we will be back in double figures.

Huffle went in to the Bunker and we left Grandad having breakfast of week old pancakes! Grandma and I went off to pick up The English Rose and we all went to knitting. ShopkeeperEl wasn't there today and there were only a few of us around the table with Nurse looking after us. Grandma crocheted flowers and I managed to knit a whole toe of Hb's sock. Earlier, Grandma was skyping Madam Courvoisier and MC mentioned that I spend all my time undoing my knitting. I was determined to prove her wrong today but I did indeed make a mistake and ended up ripping out the whole toe. So annoying.

Our intention was to go for lunch straight after knitting but The English Rose's husband forgot to pick her up so we felt bad for her and took her home (he phoned home and apologised later). We went for lunch but the debit machine wasn't working and we only had enough cash for a sandwich/soup and no cake or tea (BOOOO). We had a look in a couple of shops and ended up talking to a fascinating lady about Granite (we are amazed that she made Granite such an interesting subject - we were in there for about 45 minutes).

We popped into a couple of grocery shops on the way home and picked up stuff for the weekend and came home for our much needed cup of tea.

The boys came home. Small had to go straight back out to record a play they were doing for Health so I took him to his friends house and came back and made pizza for dinner.

After dinner, Huffle and Smallest took Grandad off to meet Quiche at the pub. Oh Dear - what state will he get into tonight? Grandma has already banned him from coming into the loft this evening! Small had a shower and then the rest us watched TV. Huffle came back and dragged me off to The Tire to buy a new wheelbarrow, some sheep poo and a few plants.

At the point of writing Huffle had not picked up Grandad from the pub so I have no idea what state he was in.............



Thursday, 23 April 2015

He thinks suncream is gay!

It was a cold day today, reminded me of Winter. We had a sprinkling of snow all over the ground when I woke up and a few little snow showers throughout the day.

After the boys went to school (still no coats brrrrrrrrrrrrrr - they think they are tough!) Grandad went out to the barn and despite the fact I told him it was too cold to climb the ladder, he went out with his Dooby Benny hat and climbed up to the guttering on the barn.

Huffle worked in the bunker and Grandma helped me with my sewing. I sewed my $10 square and she cut my quilt fabric for me to sew as the backing for my big quilt.

We happened to look out of the loft window and found Grandad precariously up a ladder, not holding on with no regard for his safety at all. Bad Grandad.

I went downstairs to tell him to use both hands whilst climbing the ladder and this was the response I got.

That's it, I'm selling him to Circe de Soleil

Midday we all got ready for an afternoon out (if you can call up to 3:30 all afternoon when we have to get back for the kids).

Our ready poses (just for CousinE in case you wondered) - it's what all the teens are doing you know!

We went out for dinner at a Fancy Shmancy restaurant I knew (obviously not as fancy as the one they all went to without me in Toronto and boy did I hear all about that one!!!! ;), but it was lovely.

TL: Grandad drinking Flying Monkey. TR: The big boys

ML: romance for you MrsB. MR: The girls duck faces

BL: a nice chianti. BR: prince and princess poggle of England

TL : My Northern Woods Lasagne. TR: Grandmas Chicken

BL: Huffle/Grandad's Rib Eye Sandwich and Sweet potato/tomato soup. BR: mine/Grandma's Flourless Chocolate Torte with Tahitian vanilla Ice Cream and Cherry Coulis.

After dinner we quickly zoomed around a local Garden Centre but we weren't impressed as all the perennials were outside and it was too cold to be out there. Grandma bought us a Lavendar to ward off the mosquitoes and I bought a tree. I enquired about snowdrops and was told "I don't know what a snowdrop is" and when they asked someone in charge they gave me some spiel about them being a fall bulb and that they were not popular enough to have them in pots and force them commercially like the daffodils. POOH!

They had turtles in there costing $40 each - I wasn't allowed one! On the way home Grandad was happy to see Halls Road.

We came home to find the boys already at home - poor boys (I don't think Smallest even noticed we weren't there, he was too busy playing basketball.

Grandad went straight up the ladder again and as soon as Huffle finished work he joined him! Just to prove how cold it was I saw an icicle on the bird house! We skyped HB as she had some good news. She has been offered a Masters Place. Clever girl. We are very proud of you HB, you have worked very hard. CousinPest has also found a place to live so he can work at Wimbledon again this year. Hurrah, we look forward to seeing you on TV this summer.

Grandma and the boys played on their tablets and I went out and made a bit more path around the side of the house. After the boys had their tea, they played MarioKart with Grandad. I didn't see it, but it sounded very funny.

Small has been offered a place on a trip to Montreal next Winter for four days and three nights with school, to do snowboarding and skate on the river. This will include many nighttime activities too. It sounds a fantastic opportunity and we await the forms to find out costs and itinerary.


Grandma was heard to say today "Well he wears a coon hat" and "he thinks suncream is gay". GRANDMA!

Huffle also said "You don't see many fat wild rabbits". Both statements are completely out of context and I can't even remember the conversations but both were funny in their own rights!


Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Synchronised Ladder Climbing

What a funny day, and I'm once again referring to the weather. It was quite cool this morning but the sun did come out and warm it slightly. Then all of a sudden it rained hard, hailed ferociously and then snowed blizzardly (a word?). What a seriously strange country for weather. No wonder the men still have huge beards over here. Huffle was only talking about changing our Winter tyres soon too.

I don't think the kids took coats to school today and they certainly only wore their trainers, their boots are well hidden away now. I went to aerobics and had a laugh, hurt my shoulder (just twinging) and we put in some new moves.

When I got back Grandad was up the ladder with the guttering half done. Earlier I had missed the synchronised ladder climbing of Huffle and Grandad. Grandad was still up there when the hail was coming down and ignored me when I asked him if it was snowing! Grandma was cleaning the kitchen and Moo called and we had a good long chat with her.

SPRING.....what then is it good for?........absolutely NOTHING!

After lunch, Grandad and Huffle got back up the ladders in between Huffle doing his work and Grandma and I went for a perusal of some shops. We did some good looking and small purchasing and got caught in the snow/rain/hail just once.

When we got home the men were watching the cricket (and folding washing) and the boys were playing on their tablets. They did their piano practice while dinner was being made.

After dinner, Grandma, Grandad and I took Small to Basketball and watched his practice. Once again it was very fast moving and very good to watch. I did have to shout out 'pass the ball you ball hoggers' but not too loudly. The weather on the way home was horrendous. It was like driving through warp factor 6. (Grandma's words).

This is what was written in Smallest's school agenda for this week! Naughty boy!

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

I think your Aluminum could use an extra vowel!

What a funny day weather-wise. A mix of sun, rain and heavy fog (oh no, sorry that was Otto with his stupidly big fire next door during a heavy rainfall - bloody idiot standing in the garden in his anorak tending a heavily smoking fire in the torrential rain).

The boys went off to school, no coats because it wasn't raining then. Huffle bunkered and learned he had a new boss (a lady) and I went off to work leaving Grandma attending to Pies for dinner and Grandad mending one of our raised beds, moving his pallets to a dryer place (his newly appointed Grandad Cave with his new 'Useful Things' cupboard which isn't actually new but it is new to him as we have given it to him to store his precious things). Today Jan and I were in the garden cutting back the grasses and taking all dead things from pots. We worked hard and then the hail and snow came down! I couldn't believe it was snowing. It partly covered the ground and we all went in for coffee and Jan's delicious Lemon, Pistachio and White chocolate cookies. The hail/snow stopped but the rain continued so we all went into the greenhouse and tried to decipher Jeff's notes on what needed repotting. I went home today with three different pots of lettuce seedlings, some flowers I can't remember and a big blue thing that Grandad is hoping to make into a Water Butt for us.

After lunch, Grandad and I went to Home Depot (which is basically B&Q for Canadians - same colours, same things inside, same layout) where we attempted to find a tap (faucet) for a water butt (rain collector). When Grandad asked the man about a water butt tap I told him he had just asked for the man to tap his Water Bottom he he he. We couldn't find one. Next we looked for something to secure the mesh insect screens to the windows as they were falling out. Once again we hit a translation problem as well as a lack of window hardware problem. We did get something but it later proved to be the wrong thing. Another thing to take back after I took back the wrong door fitting today and had a nice discussion about putting all the pieces back in the box instead of leaving them all loose in the bag!!!! Next we picked up more paint and then went to check out the guttering. This was a confusing task. Luckily last week we had picked up a sheet which explained which pieces were needed and some graph paper to map out what was required for the project. Grandad had carefully marked what we needed and how many of each. As it is for the barn and the barn is dark brown wood, we wanted to go for brown guttering. The only brown guttering they have is Aluminium (which is what we had previously and had rusted and broken). All the other pieces we needed to go with the guttering though were white vinyl. I asked someone about the guttering and told him he needed another vowel in his word Aluminum and he phoned another store to check if they had any brown vinyl. No one did so we opted for the white. This took us ages because some parts were left and some were right and then there were down bits and elbows and clips and screws. Then there were connectors and who knows what.

Grandad and I snook out wearing our work clothes (how very un-British of us).

The guttering only JUST fit in the car (I thought the windscreen was going through though!) and we finally came home. The boys were back and doing their homework with their music blaring (funny, they listen to the same music, sometimes the same track too). Grandma was still making pies and Grandad pressed the wrong button on the Vacuum and the whole thing fell apart. Silly Grandad.

We all ate dinner (it was yummy and well worth a whole day of cooking, using every pan, utensil and cooking temperature available). Smallest had his swimming lesson and Huffle, Grandma and Grandad went with him. He had a mid-term report and is doing very well. He still needs work on his breast stroke and side stroke but everything else seems good. Mr Bean (his teacher) spoke to Huffle and Huffle said he spoke like Mr Bean too!

Small and I played Mario Kart and I listened to him play his recital piece - it was very good - just a few minor creases to iron out.