Monday, 6 April 2015

Run free little dudes

Another beautiful day. Today the temperatures were 9* with lovely sunshine and definitely no snow.

Huffle worked in the bunker and we only saw him when he appeared at midday and we all went for an hours walk and scoot around the Hamlet.

You can't see in the photo TR but the sap was pouring from the tree.

We picked some milkweed seeds and the kids spread them around to help bring the Monarch Butterflies into our garden.

This morning I worked tirelessly in the loft sorting, organising and clearing all my craft stuff. The boys cleaned a couple of Windows each and played on their tablets.

The boys and I had lunch together (And then in the sun room like little old men watching the birds on the feeders). Small finished his homework, I watched some of Poldark and Smallest scooted on the drive. Moo Facetimed us, showed us a house she looked at and disappeared after a while due to bad connection on her wifi!

Did you see that Nuthatch Fred? Yes Alf, but I wonder, was it was a chickadee? Do you think it's time to chit the potatoes yet Fred? Oooh yes as long as your gout is okay Alf!

This afternoon Smallest and I played with his Diablo on the drive and Small joined in with us during a break in homework.

The three of us played on the trampoline for ages until Smallest twisted his knee and had to sit in front of the TV with an ice pack. The boys have played quite well today together. Early evening they played a Pokemon battle with their cards.

After dinner we played a game of Settlers of Catan and I won which is amazing due to the fact that all other players are extremely strategic and I'm not!


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