Thursday, 27 March 2014


Today! As the bus came early again, I realised that maybe the clock in the living room was slow! DOH! I changed the clock to read the same as the others but I will make sure the kids are ready early tomorrow again just in case!

Everyone went off and left me. I had breakfast and watched another Sewing Bee. I had a shower, dried my hair and then went out to do a few errands. Post Office, Thrifty Store, Consignment Store, Bank (where I learned that to pay a cheque into your own bank it needs to be signed by the person to whom the cheque is issued. I had one cheque made out to myself and one to Huffle and they wouldn't let me sign his even though we have a joint account - I don't even know why you need to sign it on the back? Anyway they let me just this once but I have to make sure it is signed in the future!), and Supermarket. Half way round the supermarket I lost my list so forgot what I was buying. Still, I got some lemon so I could give Small a Hot Lemon and Honey as he had a sore throat earlier (I did give him some Aloe Gelly, Superwoman, too).

Today I decoupaged one of Small's 3D letters. Now Smallest wants his done too

Once home, I went off to visit to The Royals to give them a little something for looking after the house. I had a nice chat with Mr Royal and then came home and waited for the boys to come home.

Tonight we discussed and planned Smallest's birthday. We have decided we will go out for a meal on Saturday (his birthday is Sunday but it is also the Kubkar racing event), and he has asked for five of his friends to come for tea on Tuesday.

All gadgets were banned yesterday evening because of arguing and due to arguing this morning, banned again for this evening. I am hoping this will get the messge across that arguing doesn't get them what they want! Ha, we will see.

Smallest is still very sensitive and cried during a game of Snakes of ladders. Jetlag? Homesick? He told us he wanted to live in England because it has warm winters and his friends are there and we did more fun things. BUT IT WAS A HOLIDAY! I am a bit homesick at the moment, possibly because of the weather but also because I am BORED! I know there is plenty of decorating to do but the paintbrushes don't talk back to me. I need the warmer weather so I can get back in the garden and be with the plants (they don't don't talk back either but this constant snow makes me feel a bit isolated). Enough of my moans, there are people out there with real problems.........



Wonder Woman said...

Just think in a few months you will be out by the pool!! We have had nothing but sleet, hail and rain since you went back, the weather this time of year is bonkers xx

Mrs Rumbleskins said...

Oh the snow would drive me bonkers! Its bad enough that it's rained here all week.