Wednesday 9 March 2016

The eye of the tiger

Another Springlike day with temperatures in the region of 11*. The ground is now not so frozen and Huffle managed to get the WindCatcher in.

He also fixed my loo seat and found the catch for the back gate. What a little DIY'er.

The boys went to school with no coats, gloves etc. I went for a walk with ClownRose and LittleFin with no coat but the pressure felt high and it looked like it might rain (it didn't). I also did Aerobics today which was very tough on my hamstrings which hurt from yesterday's gardening. My thorn fingers are much better after soaking them in hot salt water last night and being covered in germalene and plasters all night. Still sore but I'm not worried about them anymore.

The rest of the morning I spent organising the pantry. While the kitchen was being done, everything was in there so I can now get in there and space things out a bit. All jars were filled and labelled. It looks much better and things don't fall on my head now!

Huffle and I had lunch and I spent a good part of the afternoon (apart from my walk) sewing and listening to the radio. I tried to re-sew my icicle quilt square (the lady in the shop said all I needed to do was to re-sew my seams at a 1/4" and I even bought a new sewing machine foot) but it just made the icicle pucker. Very disappointing! I undid one seam to see how far out I was - eeeeeek too much. That's it, finished with that one then!

The boys came home and had their piano lessons, played on the Wii and did their homework. I made dinner and we all watched the final Jump.

Small shouted me last night to come and look at his sheet. He had somehow ripped a huge hole in it and he had no idea how it had happened. He has a sheet on the bottom and a sheet between him and the quilt, in case it is too warm he can throw his quilt off and keep a light sheet. The one on top of him was still tucked in at the bottom and I'm guessing he was running in his sleep and made a hole which ended in a long rip. He has completely ruined it. Very strange!

Yahoo sent me a link to a UK newspaper article stating that some football games (age 10-16) in England were stopping parents from clapping, shouting, coaching and questioning the refs. Oooooh sounds familiar. They issued parents with guidelines on when they could clap or cheer and if they didn't abide by the rules, they weren't sent away from the venue. In a way, I am quite pleased it isn't just our club here but it does sound quite ridiculous.






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