Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Breakages Smakeages

No parties next door - phew! Relatives in Florida safe - good.

Small went to school and had a football practice and a note to say he had to be at a football field 25km away at 8am on Friday NOOOOOO. Luckily one of his friends Mum has offered to pick him up and take him for me. Not easy when I still have another one at home wanting to get on the bus and not being able to rely on Huffle being here to send him off! I may have to drive the following week as there is another one next Friday plus two more practices on the Tuesday and Wednesday, plus more games depending on how they do at the tournament!!!! Small is not happy with his maths class as the teacher goes too slow. He can't change now so I suggested he speak to her. I don't know if he will. Small had a French test and got 100%. Tres bien.

Smallest went to school, but not before getting me to throw cedar seeds at him whilst he wielded a watering can baseball style! He is a funny bear. He had a maths test today and thinks he did well. Good job (oooops Canadian).

Huffle worked in the loft and had a terrible day. In between calls he chopped the immense hedge. Before lunchtime he put eggs in a pan for lunch and let them boil dry, burning the pan and breaking the egg timer. On the way back to work, he dropped his mouse and broke it. The washing machine man came and brought the new part but it was faulty ARRRRGGGGHHHH I was banking on doing washing this evening! We were going to pop to the launderette again this evening but we both had a glass of wine before we thought about it. So that was that! Small hand washed his stinky football socks and hung them on the line for tomorrow.

I went to work and deadheaded, picked beans and cabbage, weeded and turned over the potagè and dug out some bamboo which I planted in a pot at home later but I'm not sure it will take as it was already wilting by the time I got back. We had a lovely blueberry and lemon cake for coffee break and a nice chat about MrsM's Scotland trip. She had a great time.

Some lovelies at MrsM's

The weather was glorious today and so hot. After lunch I sat outside and FaceTimed Moo. She was very jealous of our sunshine and it made me feel very sleepy. I am so achey from yesterday's exercise so it was nice to just sit and chill. I took Moo for a tour of the garden. We couldn't keep the wifi at the veggie garden but I could take her round the side and front garden.

Huffle had a call from 3pm to 6pm so I did some gardening and when Smallest came home, he came with me to collect Small from football practice. I have had to postpone my knitting lesson tomorrow for 'horse' as I can't fit it in with fetching Small. Shame.

I made dinner and sat on the porch catching the last of the sunshine with Huffle before we had to come inside because of biting things!

Otto's new outdoor seating. Does he think he's a pimp now?


Now I see the news says there is a Storm called Aileen in the U.K. and I know from texting a UKFriend that the storm had arrived and the wind was bad.


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