Monday, 18 September 2017

Lestah friend and a drunk Scotsman

Woken up at 7am by a man yawping at another man on an ATV! I hate being woken up like that so I yawped back "WHY DONT YOU SHOUT LOUDER NEXT TIME?" I thought I was grumpy but later Huffle was stomping around the house calling Otto all the names under the sun. He had, once again, lit a fire. A very smokey stinky fire. I had JUST opened all the windows as it was another boiling hot day and the house felt airless and stuffy. Huffle yawped (word of the day?) out of the window and then I sent him round to talk to him. "C'mon Otto, you're killing us. We can't open windows or put washing on the line. Put the fire out!" OH YEAH MAN IM JUST CLEARING UP SOME BRUSH. 20 minutes later and it was still puthering but not as much. Our house stinks!!! I keep asking Huffle why we don't live in the middle of nowhere, away from noise and idiots and he always says I wouldn't like it because I would feel isolated. WELL GUESS WHAT? I'M READY TO BE ISOLATED.

I had to wake Small up after Smallest woke him. The boys went to school, Huffle worked from the kitchen table and cleared the laundry room/bathroom ready for our new washing machine (honestly I can't even get excited about that now, I feel so sceptical that it will happen when it says it will despite them calling today to check on the address for tomorrow). I went to my one on one exercise class. So hot in there today, so difficult but fun as usual. At least we laugh!

When I got home, the fire debacle started, and I didn't know if I was walking in the forest with NoCustard or not so instead of having a shower, I put away toilet rolls and clothes and had a general tidy up whilst listening to Kasabian in preparation for our concert later today.

Huffle and I had lunch together and then I did go for my walk in the forest with NoCustard. It was very hot and humid and we were both tired and weary so we did the shorter trail today (4.2km). Still an hours walk and quite uphill but very nice, especially under the shelter of the trees. Every time we stopped though we got attacked by bugs!

At home I had a cooling shower and sat on the porch with a cuppa. Small came home with lots of homework and got on with that after a quick snack and then not long after Smallest came home. He had his Football try out and hurt his ankle a bit.

MrsPiano came and gave the kids their lessons while I set about making dinner. She brought us a jar of her homemade salsa. Huffle and I decided to stay and eat with the boys tonight before the concert because the support act was a punk band and we weren't that bothered about seeing them. Online it said the club didn't allow shorts (you kidding me, have you felt the outside temperature?) so we wore them anyway and took some extra clothes just in case.

ClownRose came by with a bunch of flowers for me for giving her our rocker that we no longer wanted. We got it from 'curly' from across the road anyway and we didn't like it and we knew she did. We gave her the jar of pesto too.

After dinner with the boys, Huffle drove us to Toronto, to the Rebel Club to see Kasabian. It opened at 7pm and we got there in under 50 minutes which at that time of night was good going. We were hoping to miss the support act but in fact we were in plenty of time. We were allowed in with our shorts thank goodness because although it was air conditioned, it was very hot in there at times. Huffle and I sat outside and enjoyed the view because the 'slaves' were a big horrible noise. Apparently they were very entertaining but they were just too noisy for us.

We went to the bar for a drink and met two very Scottish men (who noticed my Leicester City scarf). We chatted to them for a while, they were very funny. We then placed ourselves in the middle of the 'throng' and prepared for the band coming on. We met a man from Leicester wearing the same tee-shirt as Huffle. We learned all about him. We chatted to an American girl who was going out with a Manchester boy. She had a great time and loved it. We also bumped into MrBurlington who incidentally has a new MrsBirlington, thank goodness because the old one was truly a Grumpy Goat!!!!

Kasabian came on at 9pm and finished at 10:45 including an encore. They were absolutely fantastic. I had two extremely big and tall men in front of me which made me crane my neck but as Huffle said later, they formed a barrier between us and lots of silly people who could have caused us trouble. I did a lot of very loud singing and waved my scarf. The band had a shout out to Leicester people as there were a few there. We saw several Leicester shirts, plus Huffle's Les-tah friend and a couple of Tigers rugby shirts.

I also did a lot of jumping and dancing and it seems I jumped for 4km. WOW? I had a proper workout today; an hour of hot exercise, an hours walking in the forest and and hour and 3/4 jumping. Oh yeah!

Love this scooter
Rock bus?
Goodnight Toronto

I had a truly fabulous evening. Thank you Huffle. In just over a year we have seen Florence, Adele, ColdPlay and Kasabian. Who's next?



1 comment:

Sarah Tomson said...

4km worth of jumping! I bet your feet ache today.... when we went to see them at King power my feet ached loved it though and definitely one of the best concerts I've been to 😃
Hope your machine has turned up and Otto hasn't lit anymore fires! Xx