Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Who's reading in France?

Last night's dream was about being in a coffee shop with MrsElderflowerMeadow and Jill. There was lots of hugging and laughing and they went to get coffees and I saved their seats using my socks!!? They were gone for ages and when I went to look for them, they weren't there. I was so sad and disappointed! I can't decipher this one except that I did sock sorting yesterday!

Boys went to school. According to them, nothing much happened. Smallest does have a new gym and French teacher, a lady and she is strict. Small has asked to go out at lunchtime tomorrow. He does not want a packed lunch. Ummmmm interesting.

Huffle worked very hard again in the loft mainly (the one place we don't have air conditioning OUCH). I persuaded him to come out at lunchtime (still wearing his headphones and in the middle of a call) in order for us to buy a bed. We went to two shops and bought one in the second one. Hurrah. It gets delivered on Thursday.

We came home and Huffle went straight back to work while I made our lunch. I ate mine whilst watching some 'TheChildInTime' (BBC). Very good.

This morning I made another Courgette Chocolate cake. This one worked perfectly, in fact I think it might have been my best. MrsM called yesterday to say it was too hot to work, thank goodness, so I had a free day to get things sorted more for Grandma and Grandads visit. I also FaceTimed Moo and caught up with her news. This afternoon I picked up Smallest and two of his teammates and took them to their football game half an hour's drive away.

The game was ridiculous on many counts. First of all, the team was put together two days ago and they have had just one practice. Both teams, playing today, were wearing all black. There was no pitch and the touchlines were marked by cones. The goals looked like they had been borrowed from hobbits (so very tiny) and the referee was new and only blew his whistle and nothing else (the kids words). They did, however, win 3-0. The other team were only created today and had no practice. We have another game on Thursday. Smallest played up front for part of the game and as a defender for the rest. It was extremely hot today (32* not including humidex) and I felt for the kids playing. The mums sat in the shade, too far away too shout or see much except a mass of black clothed kids running around after a ball. When I dropped my passengers off at school, they both got out of the car and walked away. I shouted 'thank you' several times and one of them said 'you're welcome'. Honestly. What happened to manners? I am not driving on Thursday and I asked Smallest to make sure he thanked whichever Mum drives him. He said 'of course I will, I always do'. At least the teacher thanked the people who drove.

Huffle was peeling potatoes when we got home and we quickly made some dinner. No-one wanted to play a game after so Huffle and I went for a Hamlet walk before coming home and sitting down to TheGreatBritishBakeOff. Puddings!



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