Monday, 6 August 2012

"Let's hire a boat"

Last night Huffle and I tried to do some Pool Maintenance. We vacuumed it, back washed it again and while it was rinsing I decided to try and unscrew the sight glass (part that tells you the condition of the pool water - it was yuk!) - why I undid it I have no idea. Once off water poured out and wouldn't stop. We couldn't screw it in properly. We tried a towel, rubber gloves. We tried a sealer tape which helped but didn't solve it. In the end we left it to go inside and research on the internet. It seems we had lost the rubber washer. I went out and finally found it swimming in the mud! Yay, that solved it. We left the pool, still green, and came inside for the night.

This morning the pool was still green and we decided to leave it until the evening as we were going out for the day.

After breakfast, Moo skyped us. We chatted about Olympics (which incidentally we haven't watched today, hopefully we can catch up later), her Christmas visit and life in rainy Leicestershire.

Smallest was showing her how clean his teeth were!


We went back to 'The Tire' to take back Huffle's toy and we came away with a 'sportbrella' which is a cross between an umbrella and a tent with SPF 50+. Very useful for shade in the garden and on the beach. It was on sale.

Off we went to Port Perry. The sun was out and although it wasn't as hot as it had been, it was hot enough for us. We decided we would hire a boat and go on the lake for an hour. It is a bank holiday here (we're not sure why - just is, and Huffle is back at work tomorrow, so we wanted to make the most of him being with us).

Small sitting in a seat made of hockey sticks

Bob the Barber has gone fishing again. Maaaan, what about my hair cut?

We walked to the lake and enquired about boats. They showed us a lovely one. We said we would like that one. Huffle had to go and talk to the owners and show his credit card (they needed a $500 deposit on credit card). However, yesterday Huffle had $500 on his credit card but last night he bought the Harry Potter films for us all, which meant his limit was not quite $500 today. arrrggghhhh! ). Anyway, they wouldn't let us have it and we were very disappointed.

So we went and had some dinner at our favourite Italian restaurant and then we bought the kids some swimming shorts so they could go on the water park. They loved it. They said the water was freezing but they ran around and played in it for ages.

There was a boy on the park who was squirting everyone with water from the frog. As soon as Small and Smallest started doing the same, he shouted "no please no, don't get it in my eyes, it hurts oh no!". He was very dramatical, then he would start doing it again at the boys. It was very funny to watch. Our boys walked away from him after a while and left him to it!
They then went on the park and dried off.

They were on this piece of equipment for ages and ages. It twirled around and around and around at great speeds. We don't know how they did it. We would have been sick

We walked to the ice cream place and had one of course, sitting on a bench in the shade watching the world go by.

I popped in to see the lady I work with at the Garden Centre and we talked about when I would go back and what days. She was planning on taking me to a garden next week as she didn't realise I had the kids off still. Shame. She met the boys and Huffle and told another lady wow we were the lovely family that lived in the Hamlet who knew the Royals and had just moved from Leicestershire, England.


We decided to come home and set the Sportbrella up, at first we thought there was a pole missing but it was hiding in another pole! It looks good.

Then the boys played on the computer and Huffle and I did some outdoor crafting with driftwood and stamps.

After we had tea outside, we went to check on the pool. The tester said that all the chemicals were right but the colour was still very green. Huffle and Small ended up in there while Smallest and I vacuumed and fished. (there aren't any fishes in there, but there are leaves and algae we think).

Small and Huffle went for showers (can't be too careful!) and the boys watched TV before going to bed.

Mrs Royal and I went for a brisk walk and a chat. Lovely. While we were standing outside the house, the Mosquitos started landing on me.

I also got bitten lots yesterday. Two weeks on holiday and not one bite and yet as soon as we get back here, munch munch munch! but I have been taking my B12's everyday. I though they didn't like it!!!!!,,,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

How many Bank Holidays!? Like the sun brolly, looks good. Good luck to huffle going back to wrk today, tough after 2 weeks off. Am playing golf today in comp. Had first lesson last night, lots of work to do, might hv been better to hv waited til winter when comps finished, but what the heck.