Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Pan, Parsnips, Playing and More Poo

Last night Huffle and I watched The Making of QI which was really interesting and funny. However I also dreamed that I was very intelligent and was entered into an Intelligence Test which was compered by Phil Jupitus (except he was Scottish!). I was locked in a room while the test went on until I had to go out and find something but I couldn't understand his Scottish accent. I had to read a recipe and buy a pan to match the recipe but I couldn't find the recipe either. I had text messages wishing me luck and there were lots of people in the place from my past, my present and people I didn't know. BIZARRE!!

It rained during the night and the chimney didn't leak and neither did the kitchen into the basement - wahooo. Well done MrBasement Jnr. It was a very drizzly, foggy miserable day. The boys went to school on wellies and waterproofs, Huffle worked from home and I went to work. Today Jan and I cleared the car park bed which was full of high grasses and perennials which we cut back to the ground. It was back breaking work and we were happy when we were called in for coffee. Today Jan had made Maple Syrup Shortbread Squares which were absolutely yummy. We finished our job outside and then stopped when it started raining more heavily. I filled up five bags of Duck Poo and took them home with my two parsnips which MrsM had just dug up. I planted them from seed last year so I got to take my pick.

I came home, emptied my car of goodies and went in to make lunch. Huffle was on a call so I waited for him and started to try to make the shortbread we had at coffee time. I also made a parsnip soup for my dinner and a Banana Bread for Small. We had lunch and then skyped Moo.

My shortbread came out of the oven and wasn't quite right. It tasted good but looked weird. I will have to wait for the proper recipe. We went out and emptied the Duck Poo on the beds - all ready now for planting.

The boys came home. Small had two friends round to play and they went off on their bikes, played basketball and football. Smallest played on the computer. After Huffle had finished work he and I raked the leaves off the garden near the barn and then moved a load of stones and rocks and the underneath weed mat.

The friends went home and we all had dinner.


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