Thursday, 2 October 2014

Moving stuff

A frantic morning of looking for football kit (away game after school), not finding said kit, driving the kids and tuba to school, having a very quick breakfast and meeting NoCustard at the forest for a lovely calming walk, despite the fact that she had fallen previously and had so many 'hurts' that we only did the small walk. However, the small walk was beautiful. The leaves were turning an autumnal colour and falling to the ground and even though we had a slight bit of rain, it was still a fabulous place to be.

The last part of the morning was spent driving to school because Small had forgotten to call me to let me know if his footy kit was there, finding out his kit was there, driving to the supermarket to buy a new bin and taking every bin off the shelf in order to find one that actually worked! In the end I had to buy a more expensive one to get what I wanted which was in fact a lid that shut and an opening that opened. Not such an ask I thought! Stupid me. When I got home I realised there was nowhere to secure a bag in it as it had an inside bit that you take out and presumably empty (that could get pretty yucky without a bag) except that you can't fully open the lid to get the inside bit out, if you could get a bag in it, get the full bag of rubbish out. Bloody hell, this shouldn't be that difficult!

Back home I had lunch and watched a bit of don't tell the Bride and then I made today's and tomorrow's dinner, had a shower and sat down with a cup of tea. Then I realised I had to be at school to take Small, Smallest and one of their friends to the away football game which was 25 mins drive away. I rushed to school, learnt that Smallest had bumped his head and that Small was still getting changed.

We got to the game and met a rude Secretary who didn't really want to tell us where the football was. The football started and Smallest wanted the toilet. We tried to get inside but the doors were all locked (every school has to be locked down now). We saw two teachers talking and knocked on the door and they ignored us. We carried on knocking and they came slowly to the door. We said we needed the 'washroom' and they said they weren't allowed to let us in. YOU HAVE INVITED US TO YOUR SCHOOL TO PLAY FOOTBALL AND YOU WONT LET US USE THE WASHROOMS. "No, that's right" he said. DO YOU WANT US TO USE THE TREES? "Yes". He let us in reluctantly and I said RUDE SCHOOL! I told our teachers/coaches and they were appalled. Apparently we don't do that when others come to our school - good job too!

Small's team did well but lost 4-0. We came home and had dinner, did homework, looked for lost books, showered and practised piano. In the meantime, Huffle and I moved one of our cabinets onto the roadside and DonNoQuotey took it for a lady who 'happened to be walking' by with a torch looking at our things. We moved the living room furniture around and cleared out a cabinet and a cupboard and put some of the things back. The kids went to bed and eventually we sat down and watched some TV.




Unknown said...

Is that a half time chair? How times have changed! He looks exhausted bless him.

famfa said...

No it was my chair - he didn't get subbed for ages - he worked hard xx