Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Wrestling Basketball

I had a bad night last night. Soooo hot, burning up, I had to move into the loft at 1am. Because of the Storm that came up from Mexico, the wind was ferocious and the rain torrential so all windows had to be closed. The loft was quite cool and once I got used to it, was a perfect temperature for me. I slept until 7am and then again until 8am when I got up in a panic as I thought everyone had overslept. Huffle was looking after things and had the boys breakfasted and lunched and ready for school. I went back to bed but I couldn't sleep after that so I got up in time to wave the boys off in the rain (still raining from last night - in fact it rained all today too and is still raining now (21:30).

I had an easy morning of making stews, watching TV and relaxing. Huffle took Small's tuba back to school for me and we had lunch together before I went off to pottery. It was really nice to get out and do something really calming and apart from the odd hot spell and complete lack of energy, I had a lovely time. I made a Hosta Leaf Cheese Plate with a little mouse whose tail should act as a knife holder. I forgot to take a photo.

I dropped by Suffolks house on the way home and she lent me a Jedi Cape for Smallest's Halloween costume. She also gave me a birthday present of some quilting gloves which I definitely need.

The journey home was horrible as it was really windy and very rainy with huge puddles all over the road. I got home just before the boys. Smallest and I played a game of table tennis and then I finished dinner by making some 'cobblers' - not sure how different they are to my normal dumplings as I don't use suet but they were nice. Small's most hated dinner is Stew and I give him my vegetable stew as he does not really like chicken or bits of meat. It took him ages to eat it but he did get through it eventually.

I took the boys to basketball so Huffle could have a rest. The drive there was awful with thick fog and torrential rain. I hate driving in the dark at the best of times but with the fog and the rain it was worse. On Smallest's team tonight there were several stupid comments from other people. One of the boys asked 'and how do you run around around the gym again?', another replied Godzilla when the coach asked 'what is that game where you have a pole with a string and a ball attached'. On Small's team, he threatened to 'power bomb' one of the kids (a wrestling move) if he didn't listen. Now that I would like to see. It was two hours of relaxing for me but watching the kids obviously and I was cold in the gym. The boys took a Beano annual to read 1970 and I took my knitting. The drive home was equally horrendous with Pea Soup fog, bad rain and almost zero visibility.

After the kids went to bed it was Apprentice, Tea and a bit of comforting chocolate. Please let us all sleep well tonight. We need it.


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