Friday, 15 December 2017

3 soup Koosies and a beakless chicken

We had such a late night after our excursion and of course a cup of tea and a slice of toast before bed, that it was a terrible struggle to get up this morning. The temperature was around -7* (real feel -12*). After I got the boys lunches ready, I made a start sewing the SoupKoosie for MrsBasement as I knew I would see her later at knitting. Moo got my coffee and brought me breakfast in between sewing. I made it in about an hour and a half and decided to sell it for $25 once I accounted for materials etc. I'm not sure I would spend that much if I was buying it in a shop but as it was custom made and I am not (in Huffle's words) a ChineseSweatShop.

Moo and I went off to knitting, her with a legless chicken that needed sewing and me with a cowl that I managed to finish, bar the sewing up. I took Flapjack with me that I had stored in the freezer (Moo defrosted it on the car heater on the way). There was plenty of joviality and discussion today as ShopKeeperEl announced she was getting married.

Moo and I came home and had lunch with Huffle and we all watched TheApprentice. This afternoon Moo and I made two SoupKoosies. She made one for herself and I made another one for MrsBasement (she liked the first one and wanted no2 hurrah). We were very pleased with our makes today.

The kids came home and we made a pizza dough for dinner and ate it in front of another StarWars. Huffle and I went for a very cold snowy walk while Moo and the boys played table tennis and went on the treadmill.

On our walk we texted a house to tell them they had exceeded their Christmas light allowance and must take some down. Ha! I wish we could do that to all of them.


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