Saturday, 5 September 2015

The croissants are on fire.

HAPPY 15th ANNIVERSARY TO HUFFLE AND ME. As I was hanging out the washing this morning, I noticed one of our towels is fifteen years old (A wedding present) and it hasn't even worn out.

Huffle made us a Croissant breakfast and set one of them on fire. We opened our cards. One from the boys, one each from Huffle and I and one from Moo.

As it was our Anniversary, the boys put on a little puppet show for us. The first one was about Lenny the Lion looking for things on his shopping list (all animals) and the second one was about Polywhirl (a Pokemon) visiting the zoo.

I collected a good harvest from the garden while the boys got ready for a day by the pool.

I still felt a little weary and my throat was sore. Originally we were planning to go somewhere but we are all a bit tired and it was another scorching hot day so Poolside was a good idea. There was plenty of silliness, swimming, jumping in and a new game we made up called Pin Ball Pool. One person stands in the pool and the others are on inflatables. The inflatables have to spin towards the standing person and try to make contact. The standing person has to swim, run or dive out of the way. This was a lot of fun until I dived under the water (I am not the most proficient underwater swimmer and came up to find three inflatables above my head - I panicked and that was the end of that game).

We had lunch at the pool and various games including Chinese Checkers, Piratatak and the three boys had their tablets later. We had a cheeky ice cream and I read about a quarter of a book (The Kite Runner) and had a little snooze (I'm sure it was only a few minutes but it felt very good).

Early evening we cleared away, back washed and fed the pool with chemicals, showered and went out for a celebratory dinner at an Italian. It was nice but we have had better. Smallest didn't feel to well during his meal and had to go outside for some air. He was very hot and his tummy hurt. It didn't last long as we popped into Home Depot (B&Q) on the way home and picked up some bits including some new paint for Smallest's room. He chose a darkish blue called Cosmic Cobalt. There were some classic cars in the car park but by the time we came out, they were all leaving. Shame, the kids like looking at those.

We came home and Smallest went straight to bed (saying he was feeling much better), Small played a game on the IPad with me until he went to bed.


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