Monday, 28 November 2011

Indoor shoes, backpack and snacks

Monday morning

Huffle was out of the door and off to work this morning by 7am.  

The boys got up at 6:30 (eager), had their breakfast, got ready and were sitting on the settee playing on their DS waiting for school time.

Off we went, Smallest navigating (it's a straight road from here to there but he did really well).

First we went into the office and waited for their teachers. We met Smallest's teacher first - she was lovely, I think he will be very happy there.  He will go Monday, Wednesday and alternate Fridays (starting this Friday).  They started by sitting in a circle on the floor, introducing themselves and then they jumped up and started singing a song (could have been the Canadian National Anthem), Smallest looked very lost but full of wonderment!

Small's class was more like a classroom environment.  His teacher was lovely too.  She said she was strict but fun.  She wanted Small to be happy, safe and secure.  They have literature, art and math today.  He said he was looking forward to the art and he noticed they did science too.  He'll be fine.  He got sat next to one of the older boys.  The do their math on IPad's - RESULT!

They both need indoor shoes, a backpack to bring things home and 2 snacks a day (healthy if possible).  I asked if they needed their hats and gloves and the secretary said "oh yeah when it gets cold!". I asked was it not cold now?  Oh she said, well if they want them they can bring them!

I left them and burst into tears.  My plan was to go to a coffee shop and Skype or blog and then go and get something nice for dinner.  I came home and sobbed.  Then skyped family and friends.  What a silly billy. 

Hope Huffle is okay.  We are meeting later at the licence place.

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