Thursday 4 April 2013


I didn't sleep well last night. You know when something happens and it goes round and round in your head, and the more you think about it, the madder you get? Well that was me. And to top it all, once I got to sleep, I then dreamt about it too. AAArrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhh. So suffice to say, I wasn't in the best of moods this morning when I woke. Small's tooth still hadn't come out.

I made him the smallest of breakfasts but still he moaned and whined and cried. I wanted to grab the tooth and just pull it out, but obviously I wasn't allowed to go near it, so I left him to it. By the time breakfast had finished and he started to brush his teeth, the tooth was hanging precariously. I asked if he wanted me to get it out and he did. I 'gently' (as in Moo's kind of gently!) brushed at the tooth and yay it came out. It is now safely tucked in his tooth pillow and thanks to the great words of Grandma, he is now expecting double money from the Tooth Fairy. When he came downstairs, he said "Thank you Mummy for getting it out". Then he grinned at me cheekily and said "The other one the other side is on it's way out now too". These are the double teeth and I think that's why they are bit trickier. The boys went off to school after emptying the dishwasher for me (one did it with glee and the other like a moody teenager!!).

I had a quick clear around of the house, got my aerobics kit on and walked to my exercise class.

This week it was Circuit Training. I was dreading it. It took me nearly a week to get over the yoga! I nearly slipped on the ice on the way there and I had to wear a scarf (because it was cold not in case I slipped). The sun was out and it felt warmer but there was still an icy chill. The Circuit Training was really tough. It was 40 secs on each piece. OUCH! then some cooling down and a bit of yoga. very good, glad I went but I think I will ache again. Small's arch enemy's Mum was there and today she said Hello and introduced me to someone else. ummm maybe she is just shy! On the walk home it was gorgeous. Much warmer. The sun room was like a greenhouse. 25* inside and 12* Outside.


Beautiful. So I grabbed a piece of flapjack and a drink of water and went out to forest to meet NoCustard, Drew and Garfunkel.

The train was coming over the tracks so all the cars stopped just outside of Garfunkels house.

I took Drew and Garfunkel in my car because it seemed silly to go in separate cars. We met NoCustard there and TeaLady and her daughter and granddaughter were also there but couldn't walk straight away. The baby needed changing.

NoCustard, Drew, Garfunkel and I started walking. It was slippy, icy and still lots of snow but it was a glorious sunny day too. It was very hard going and we slipped a few times.


The snow made us slower than normal and I don't know if we walked further or we were just much slower but we didn't get home until after 1:30pm. That's nearly two hours of walking!!!

NoCustard and Garfunkel chatting.......

a little dog waiting for us at the end of the - he was lovely.


I was starving by the time I got in home and had a plate of toast and a coffee in front of the Good Wife with my poor feet up. After a while it became obvious I was starting to stiffen up so I made it off my bottom and started to varnish the stairs.

I steelwoolled and varnished until the little mites came home. Small is full of the joys of Spring now his tooth is out. He had his hearing and Eye test today at school. everything is good apart from his Colourblindness. we have been told this before but I'm unsure about it. When I took Small for a vision test years ago, they used these colourful charts where numbers and letters were hidden in the colourful bubbles. Small couldn't see them all and neither could I. I'm not colourblind and I think he is ONLY slightly. Sometimes I have problems between dark blue and black and he has similar issues. However, I know it does run in the family.

Smallest played outside on the swing for a while. Small did his homework, smallest payed with his remote control (he calls it a remote comertroll - makes me laugh every time he says it). I made soup for dinner while they played on the computer.

Huffle came home and we all had dinner. Small and Huffle carried on making the KubKar. Smallest and I watched on after playing with the Walkie talkies.

Small and I moved some things around in his room so he has more space. He is now talking about having a TV in there. Ha ha ha ha ! NO!

The boys went to bed and Huffle and I played one game, a close game, of Table Tennis. I think I have pulled something in my leg, probably at circuit training but I guess the forest walk wouldn't have helped. Shame, I really enjoyed it.





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