Wednesday 26 June 2013

Hickory drives the bus

Huffle went off to work, feeling much better and Small went off to school armed with treats (flapjack made with Golden Syrup - a rarity) for himself and his 'reading buddy', who is a five year old kindergarten boy who Small helps to read, write and do simple maths. He also took a tin full of flapjack for his class 'pot luck' where every one in the class takes in something different and they share it all out. His teachers were given thank you loaves of ginger and banana and chocolate with handwritten cards from Small. To the one teacher he doesn't like, he wrote, Thanks, Small. To his other ones he wrote "thank you for teaching me and being nice". We forgot to send in something for the bus driver and I asked Smallest this morning what her name was. He said he didn't know, then he thought about it, then he said I think it's Hickory! Hickory? He meant Hilary.

I went off to work leaving Smallest and Moo at home changing beds, washing, playing football and catch and Pokemon Yahtzee. At the Nursery I thinned carrots and parsnips, planted Courgette and Yellow Beans and Cucumber, tied tomatoes and beans and generally weeded and swept.

MrsM is off on her UK GardenTour tomorrow which she does every year. She takes a coach load of people from here to the UK visiting gardens. She is hoping that Princess Kate has her baby while they are there. I came home with three lettuces, green onions and Italian Parsley and some yellow beans to plant. I made Moo and I a salad from my earnings and we sat outside on the porch playing Scrabble. Smallest watched TV.

Moo skyped BadmintonBabe while Smallest and I went off to the pool. Moo joined us. It was very hot again 30*. We played many games in the pool and then Moo and I sat in the shade to carry on our game of scrabble.

Small came home. He brought his report home. All A's and B's. Clever Boy. He said his 'reading buddy' didn't like his treat but that the teachers were happy with theirs! The water play wasn't so great which is probably why he jumped into the pool as soon as he got back.

I made Turkey Meatballs for the boys (not Huffle as he had been taken out by an Insurer at lunchtime) and BeetBalls for Moo and I.

Huffle came home and we ate. Then we all jumped back in the pool. Ahhhhhhhh lovely. We sat on the deck and made up stories all saying just one word. Very silly. All had showers, the boys went to bed. Small started a new Harry Potter book (5). That means we have another film to watch (4).


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