Sunday 22 September 2013

Another Festival?

Smallest lost another tooth. He came in at 5am Saturday morning to show us. Huffle sent him away and said we would sort it Saturday evening because the tooth fairy would probably have done her rounds by then. She left him a dollar and he was very pleased.

Today is the first day of Fall or Autumn as we know it. After a slow start to the day we got our walking boots and fleeces on and headed to the forest. Today we chose the Red Maple walk. It was only 7* at the start but warmed up considerably by the end. It was just right for walking, picking up sticks and collecting acorns, of which Smallest collected many.

The boys loved it and were very well behaved, no complaining, lots of running, good walking and many photographs taken. Smallest was our leader with his stick. We found the 'Freddy' tree and the 'Tom' tree.

....and we found some bugs.......

We managed to keep to the trail this time (last time we were on this particular walk with Aunty A we took a wrong turn and our small walk ended in a walk around the edge of the forest), and then drove to port perry for dinner. The boys wanted to go on the park so we headed for that until we realised something was going on and decided to check it out. It was another festival.

This time a chilli festival where the shops have a chilli contest! you buy a mug and get to taste each shop's chilli and then vote for the best at the end. Some of the shops had sales and there were activities lined up for the kids. We all got to make badges, Smallest made a clay ghost and we watched some kids on a Potters wheel (smallest wanted to have a go but it was bitterly cold and we ran out of time).

There was a petting zoo with a pot bellied pig, sheep, goats, chickens and a couple of alpacas called skippy and ginger.

Well look at this handsome fella

We bumped into NoCustard who invited us back to hers for a cup of tea, a muffin and a warm. She also gave the boys a bag of sour sweets each. The boys hung their bird feeders out that they made yesterday.

Our lovely clematis has just started flowering. Beautiful

Once home, the boys had their showers and had tea watching an old favourite of ours, Disney's Robin Hood. Smallest likes to tell us who all the characters are (all of us including Moo and Grandma and Grandad) and then shouting out through the film, ha ha here comes Moo banging her drum. Daddy is sucking his thumb ha ha ha!!

The kids went to bed and Huffle and I sat in front of the fire watching Doc Martin.


Wonder Woman said...

They sure like their festivals over there! Really like the chilli contest idea, although I suppose it wasn't good for you?! X

Unknown said...

Absolutely, think the festivals are for the shopkeepers. Still good photos especially like the bug wrapped round the tree.