Monday 2 September 2013

Labour Day List

Today is Labour Day and I have to be honest and say I have no idea what that means, except that Huffle gets a day off. Hurrah!

It was a cloudy start to the day with some rain, therefore we had a 'list' day. Everyone had showers, all the washing was washed, dried and folded and some was even put away. We played Disney Monopoly, Yahtzee, Carcassonne, Football and Table Football (which Huffle and I won against small and smallest). School bags were sorted and pencils sharpened and packed ready for tomorrow. Huffle put a couple of plants in and we harvested lots of beans and some pretty huge marrows. We made a wholemeal bread which was the biggest one we have ever made and some Chocolate Courgette Muffins.

These are for school pack up

This was my favourite courgette - it had its own little leafy umbrella

The boys watched some TV and played on their DS' and I tidied the games in the basement.

Moo skyped and is about to book for her Christmas holiday here. Small told her abut his wrestling trip next week (he is very excited about it). We skyped Grandma and caught up with her news.

Smallest's friend's mum popped by and chatted to us about school. She told us who was in who's class. Apparantly we should have just gone into the school during the holidays and speak to the teachers and see which classes are where etc. we didn't know!

We had dinner and the boys went to bed early. Summer Holiday is finally over, phew, that was a long one!


1 comment:

Wonder Woman said...

Hope the boys settle back into school quickly, I sure Smallest will love being their full time x