Friday 13 September 2013


OMG - every single muscle in my body aches today, even my ribs hurt. When the Circuit Lady said we were working all parts, she wasn't joking.

The temperature went right down today. 12*. I went to my knitting group and the shop was full. There were four of us knitting but a whole bus load came in from another town. They took over the shop and took up all the time of Donna who was standing in for El. We didn't get our coffee until 11:30. El came in towards the end and both her and Donna sorted out my new sock problems (last night one of needles broke!). I stayed there until 1pm again and then came home and had lunch. I can't believe how much cooler it is today.

I rang the pool people and booked for the pool to be closed. I rang the cooker people to get them to come and look at it, it keeps error messaging and turning itself off during the making if dinner and sometimes it turns the heat up by itself - which is not good! They are both coming on the same day next week.

After trying to watch ITVPlayer and not getting on very well, I decided to mow the grass. It felt like it was about to rain so I got a move on. It took me over an hour to do just the back and rake it all up and deliver it the bottom of the garden, which wasn't an easy task with my achey body.

I found this little Froggy in the garden - it was only about an inch long.

I had five minutes to stroll around the garden before the boys came home. Smallest said as he got off the bus "No I haven't had a good day, I got stung by a bee". He wouldn't let me touch it and I was only allowed a glance at it. It was swollen. I asked him if they had taken the sting out and he said they hadn't. The secretary wasn't there and it was just the Grade 8 girls looking after him. There was no phone call and no note home. I was about to ring the school to find out what had happened when I looked in his agenda and his teacher had written a note saying "Smallest had a wasp sting today and we put a penny on it and it seemed better". Ahhh a wasp sting, not so bad then but a penny? What is that about? All the penny did was to leave a dirty mark on top of the sting! He's fine now though I am still not allowed to touch it!

Small had his first lot of homework and got on with it without too much encouragement from me. Small and Iplayed on a computer game and then Huffle came home and we got dinner ready while the boys played on their DS'.

Huffle and the boys played football after dinner and I sat in a ceased up position at the table. Oh please don't make me move until it doesn't hurt anymore!!!!

Huffle and I played table tennis and I won 1 out of 3 again. Mr Miagi will be proud.



1 comment:

Wonder Woman said...

A penny? Interesting:-) sounds like you need a warm bath and a tipple! X