Saturday 21 September 2013

Happy Birthday Hamlet

Last night we did get that storm, just as we were going to bed - why does that always happen? This also meant that Huffle didn't sleep so well, firstly because of the thunder (I don't remember any lightning), then it was too hot, then too rainy and windy!

Today was the start of the celebrations for the 175th birthday of our Hamet. It actually started last night with a corn roast and a teen dance but we didn't go to either of those. This morning, once we got ourselves organised, we walked off in the rain towards the parade. This consisted of vintage vehicles, horse pulled carriages and ended with some children riding up-to-date bicycles and scooters.

There was also a piping band which marched to the community centre and park. The boys got a ride in one of the oldest cars there while we stood and got wetter and wetter. We met NoCustard there and walked up to the park with her to find the boys.

The band piped some more, corn was handed out and we listened to the town crier open the festival. Mr Royal thanked lots of people including his wife, Mrs Royal who had done a lot of work on the whole festival. Then we watched the tree planting ceremony (which had already actually been planted but a stone was unveiled to go with the tree). The tree was donated by the garden Club.

Next was Mr Magoo. We stood in the cold under a tent watching a older man sing about dinosaurs and the sun and tried to get us to participate which we did to start with. There weren't many kids in there and Small refused to watch - too cool for such things, though Smallest seemed to enjoy it.

We went inside to try and get warm and the boys ended up doing some crafts. They made Farmer's out of lollipop sticks. Very funny.

Then they both made a bird feeder bird - bird seed stuck to a paper bird with glue made from a 175 year old recipe - water, flour, salt and cornflour. The women running the crafts remembered us from the winter festival.

We went off to get food but got sidetracked when the boys decided to go on the wagon ride which went through the hamlet, unfortunately it was still raining and they got very wet.

We got them some Macoroni cheese and Huffle had a chilli. I chose a grilled veggie wrap but was very disappointed when I I found a half eaten piece of chicken in mine (I'm guessing I ate the other half or someone else did - either way I wasn't impressed!). I sent it back and the woman who made the mistake said nothing! I had Macaroni Cheese instead.

Next we tried the photo booth which was hilarious. We were supposed to dress up as settlers but I think we were more like rock stars. It was a lot of fun and free.

There were lots of other things going on but we were so cold and wet, we decided to go home and get dry.

We walked home, still in the rain, with the boys deciding to jump in the puddles all the way home.

Huffle and I left them to it.

Small stole a balloon. We could still hear the music whilst walking home. It was a shame the weather was so bad.

Once home, changed and dry, we sat and watched the Goonies until Smallest started to get restless and we stopped and played operation! mousetrap and upset.

We had tea and watched the end of the Goonies and then watched photos and videos on the TV through the computer. We started from when Small was born and then when smallest was born. Fabulous videos, very very funny.


1 comment:

Wonder Woman said...

Shame that rain stopped play as it looked lovely. Particularly like the photo booth photos x