Thursday 19 September 2013

Squished wasps

This morning I went to my exercise class. I cycled there and back. Can't really describe what we did. Power strength stuff. It was good. I worked hard though it wasn't as tough as last week's circuit training. Lots of stretching and yoga and core work.

Huffle worked from home. Part of his form filling for residency involves writing down all the countries he has visited in the last ten years, when and for how long. We had to go through our photo albums on the computer to work it out but it was nice to go back and see tiny Smallest and little Small - so cute.

We got to have lunch together briefly before I cycled off to the community garden where I had volunteered to clear and weed it before the big Heritage Festival this coming weekend. I was there for 15 minutes before I realised no-one else was coming. I phoned the garden club organiser, she had forgotten but came anyway despite her bad back and the other volunteer had gone to the dentist. It wasn't too much work and we got it done in about 40 minutes and then I I cycled back.

I took this photo whilst cycling

The wasps are still getting into the roof and the sun room. I swatted at least 30! Huffle filled some of the holes. See if that does it!

When the boys got home we played football, table football and table tennis with them in between having dinner and watching wrestling (not me, I don't watch wrestling!!! All those smooth legs on men! Not right!).

I also finished knitting and sewing my rag doll.




Wonder Woman said...

Fabulous rag doll, love that x Those wasps are becoming a right pain aren't they? Sound to be a bit more determined than the average English wasp!

Spanish Chica said...

Ahh lovely rag dolly, great to knit isn't she? Hope she is going to a good home.