Thursday 12 September 2013

I'm too Smexy for my Camoflauge

We did get that storm last night. Just as we were thinking of going to bed, which of course we didn't as what's the point when you know Huffle won't sleep! So we stayed up later than usual when we thought it had died down and watched an episode of Doc Martin. Just at the end the storm started up again. Big rumbles of thunder and lots of lightning. So we watched another episode until I could stay awake no longer. Last night we also watched Honey BooBoo and saw Sugar Bear get 'committed' to Mama June. She wore a Camouflage Wedding dress and Sugar Bear wore an orange waistcoat with camouflage trousers. Very classy! Wish I'd thought of it for my wedding.

Huffle worked from home. The boys went to school and I went to Circuit Training on my bike with a puncture. This is the first class I have done since the Summer and boy was it hard! I was very red faced and sweaty by the time we finished. A very good workout, glad I went though I did feel a bit of a 'Billy No Mates' there while everyone was chattering away. I rode my punctured bike home. I didn't realise how bad I looked till I saw Huffle and he greeted me with "bloody hell you look hot" and I don't think he meant in a Smexy* way!

We had lunch together and caught up on the days news. I read about a man using helium balloons to cross the Atlantic and a transgender man who had a baby. bizarre. After lunch I went bike shopping. Huffle and I did some research online first, chose one and then I went to buy it. I found the one I wanted and asked some questions until I was happy. The one on display had a dodgy stand and a brake that wasn't connected so I asked if they could check it over. yeah no problem, George came along and said he'd give it a thorough check and it may be quick unless he found more wrong (and yet they let you take it there and then normally!!). So I went off to the supermarket across the way and picked up a few things. When I got back, George was nowhere to be seen. I had a good chat with the lady on checkout and we talked about the storms last night. I met a friend in there also and talked about this mornings circuit training. Still George didn't show. Eventually he came back and said he had fixed the brake, changed the stand and altered the gears. However, neither of us could kick back the stand so he went off again and changed it for another one. After what seemed like three days, he came back. All was well. It is guaranteed for a year and I can come back whenever I like if anything is not right. I stuffed it in my car and came home.

Garfunkel was on our drive talking to DonNoQuotey and was about to deliver an invitation to her art show. How lovely. I love her paintings, shame we can't afford any of them. It is my birthday coming up soon though ahem ahem (that's for Huffle, no-one else!). Garfunkel had a nose around our garden as she had never seen it before. I took my basket from my old bike to my new one and cycled off down the road and back. Very nice. Different and will take some getting used to, but nice.

Huffle had a ride down the garden on it and then I supervised him putting some plants in the garden. The boys came home and they all played football and Huffle and Smallest played cricket.

Small had trouble getting to sleep last night. We think it was because he didn't do much exercise so told him to run down the garden until he ws tired.

They had a go on their DS' before we went to 'Meet the Teacher' evening. Last year we sat around the gym looking like 'the family that doesn't know anyone'. This year we went later so we only had to look like that for half an hour and not an hour! It wasn't too bad though, we sat on the PE Bench while the kids ate their pizza. A few of the teachers I knew came over and spoke and we talked to a few parents we already knew.

Look at these trousers! It was a grown-up man too!

First we went to Smallest's class. He was supposed to introduce us but was a bit shy. He showed us his lovely work and where he sat and I volunteered to read in the class when his teacher has sorted out who reads what. They have 16 in their class. She seemed nice.

Do you see a likeness? It says he wants to be a movie star and he is good at eating.

Love the spelling

Next we went to Small's class. We had to find his face which he had drawn and put on his desk chair. We found him straight away. We briefly chatted to his two teachers, both were Smallest's previous kindergarten teachers and one was Small's teacher last year. We saw some work and photos and came home.

My little artist

No storms due tonight. Just a peaceful evening and a nice sleep. Ahhhhhhh (fingers crossed).

*Smexy - as from Honey Boo Boo. It is how Sugar Bear describes Mama June!!!!


1 comment:

Wonder Woman said...

You are brave to go circuit training! I used to love it but there's no way out until you have finished the circuit, which terrified me now! X