Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Chamomile Tea and a new set of cutlery

Temperatures were -11* with windchill of -20*. The boys waited inside the house this morning, as it was so cold, while Moo stood on the landing watching for their bus. Huffle worked from home. Moo and I sorted through photos and went shopping for frames and birthday presents. Our intention was to get some photos printed while we were out and cleverly downloaded the appropriate app on my phone to do it, however the silly shop wasn't working properly so we couldn't do it.

While we were out we got a message about walking in the forest with NoCustard so we rushed home and had a quick lunch with Huffle before donning our thermals and going to the forest. We had our Ice Cleats on our snow boots so it would help with the slippery surface but Moo's fell off in the car and then she lost them both (but found them again) whilst walking. One of mine also fell off. I think they might have to go back as they are not very good and one of mine has split a bit already!

Anyway, we had a lovely walk. It was very cold and bright and the forest floor was icy with a thickish layer of snow. It was hard work but very enjoyable as usual.

Back home we had enough time for a cup of tea (don't we always) and a bit of jigsaw before the kids came home. Then it was a quick dash to the library and back home to make dinner. Tonight we had Indian which was very nice. We miscalculated the amount of rice and could have fed India (Huffle edit - and possibly half of China ) but everyone enjoyed it (even the hot parts).

After dinner the boys played Table Ice Hockey whilst us big 'uns played Alhambra - Huffle beat us easily again. The boys watched some TV and then Small got his boarding stuff ready for tomorrow as he starts his Snowboarding lessons after school. He is so lucky to be able to do this, however he has to take a lot of stuff to school and remember to bring a lot of stuff home. PLEASE DON'T FORGET THINGS SMALL!








Unknown said...

Camomile tea? Bought some Wittard organic from Wircester. Very nice. Have you got your Small mixed up with your Smallest... Last para ?

famfa said...

Chamomile tea is a reference to huffle. He asked for cutlery for his birthday. I find it funny that he drinks chamomile tea at the office party and asks for cutlery for his birthday xxx. Yes I did get the kids mixed up - thanks for noticing x