Tuesday 30 August 2016

Beets, Potatoes and Eggs

Last night Small, Huffle and I finished another Bourne film. I had terrible dreams of being chased, being shot at and having to kill a man with my bare hands. It was horrific. No more Bourne films for me for a while!

The boys didn't want to do much today. They would happily play on their gadgets all day if I let them. They played in the morning after a chore each and I Facetimed Moo and gave her some recipes for Courgettes as she is looking after and harvesting her friends allotment. I got inspired by my bread book and decided to make a Beetroot Bread with two of the huge ones I just harvested from our garden. It was a lovely pink with bits of red inside. Very nice.

The boys had lunch together watching their TV and Huffle and I sat on the porch watching First Dates.

This afternoon, the boys and I went to the pool. Small and Smallest didn't take long to fall out and Smallest grumped off and wouldn't come in with us. The pool has turned a lovely shade of green again due to hot weather and not enough chlorine so I vacuumed, Small swept and Smallest sponged (before he ran away). Small and I played Water Hide and Seek for a while before I came in to start an early dinner. We also had a quick trip out to the library and the General Store and the Beer Store looking for potatoes. Tonight I made a Roast Dinner but didn't realise we didn't have many potatoes left. Neither of the shops had them so I dug up some of ours that I had forgotten about, however the Beer Store asked me if there was anything I missed from Britain, food wise. I said Lemon Curd as you can get it here imported but it is rare. She has made a note of it and will see if the owner can get it. I said I'd send the boys in with their 'missed items'.

ExerciseNic came round this evening with 18 eggs. She is looking after a friends house and they have chickens. Straight from the hens bums! Lovely.

Smallest had football practice tonight with CoachOl. He hated the practice and then they played an impromptu game against the Under10's. His back is still hurting him.



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