Thursday 12 May 2016

Why is Randy Hope funny?*

Another high pollen count today. Ash, Birch and Oak again. Smallest's eyes were a bit stuck at the sides and I tried to bathe them a little first thing. He had all drops, sprays and anti-histamines and I sent him in with a pair of sunglasses today which he didn't want to wear and I don't think he did. When he came home I told him he needed to wash his hair every night so he could wash the pollen off before it stuck to his pillow case. I don't know if this is true but I read it on an allergy website. He wasn't happy about it but he had a shower anyway. I had trouble with runny eyes, runny nose and a headache today so something is bad out there in pollen land.

After the boys went to school I went to The Royals and worked on their garden for a couple of hours. She had made some lovely lemon squares for coffee break and Mr Royal made our coffee. We did a bit more moving from the side bed and then I worked in the main bed weeding and next to the barn, also weeding, I got to bring home some geraniums and a day lily.

Huffle had already had lunch and was busy taking calls. I had lunch, watched In The Club (BBC) and then went into the garden and made a start on properly digging out a trench for the sump pump pipe. It works and is staying there for now but we are going to get some heavy duty plastic and gravel and do a slightly different job with it. I dug out a lot of grass and soil though and probably worked too hard again. My shoulder doesn't feel too bad but I was rescued by ClownRose who took me for a walk in the village. It was very warm today. The boys came home and got on with showers, homework, chores and tablet time. I couldn't be bothered to make dinner today so we had left overs from the week and finished it off with a rather lovely Eton Mess Sundae.

After dinner the boys went on their tablets (and sat in Small's bedroom with the window open - naughty Smallest didn't realise and his eyes puffed up again!!!!) and Huffle and I sat on the porch, me reading the newspaper, clearing out the urns and sweeping the porch and Huffle sending an email to his team about schedules and uniforms etc.

*Smallest bought home a piece of work he has been working on at school, regarding a place in Ontario called Wheatley. He had to write lots of facts about it. It is a fishing village and the Mayor is called Randy Hope. Huffle and I thought this was very funny but Smallest wanted to know why. Huffle told him that randy also meant when someone wants to cuddle another person a lot and I told him that it was funny that the man had two names which could mean he was hoping he would cuddle ladies a lot. Eeeeekkkkk.


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