Friday, 7 July 2017

Toonie to ping pong balls

A blisteringly hot day of around 29* but I'm sure with humidity, it was hotter. We did nothing this much this morning except for swiffing floors, cleaning bathrooms, emptying and filling the dishwasher, washing, hanging washing and making a Beef cottage pie and veggie cottage pie. Well that sounds a lot in a morning actually so I change my earlier statement to one of 'we had a busy morning......' plus Moo and I fit in a couple of games of Skip-Bo and a tiny bit of Wimbledon watching.

Huffle and Small mended the pool by taking off the old patches, cleaning underneath and applying a new patch. It isn't leaking now and the pool has been refilled and shocked. Now all we need is some long term sunshine to keep the water warm.

We all had lunch together and this afternoon we left Huffle working and went to Suffolks for a play (the boys) and a cup of tea (Moo and I). Then we went to the nearby supermarket and stocked up on some food before coming home to put it all away and to the smell of dinner cooking in the oven.

After dinner, Huffle took Moo to Smallest's football practice and Small and I stayed at home. We played Connect Four and the practice was cancelled half way through because of storms. The storm hit here just after they all got home. Thunder lightning and heavy rain. They predicted hailstones the size of toonies ($2 coin) to ping pong balls. Ha! We didn't get any.

Garden Lovelies

Off to watch Monty Don play on a trampoline now!!!

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