Monday 6 June 2016

Scuba Dooing

I had to wake both the little bears this morning as they were both fast asleep. Luckily, Huffle had to go into the office so we got up, though I still don't know how we saw what the time was ha ha!

We had a lot of rain overnight which is excellent news for the garden - it was soooo dry. Huffle went off to Markham for the morning, the boys went to school and Moo and I had breakfast and then did the quickest grocery shop ever. Shopping done, shopping put away and then we went and had our hair cut.

Moo went first and had a shorter modern look with lots of texturising product and hairspray as she said her hair never 'held'. It looked very nice and held up well. I had about 3" off (there was a huge amount of hair on the floor afterwards). We decided to go for lunch and and a nice Tomato Soup and a toasted bagel.

At home I made dinner, Moo sunned herself and then we went for a walk with ClownRose and LittleFin. The school bus got home before us.

There was no piano today as MrsPiano had a staff meeting so the boys did homework, chores and played on their tablets together.

After dinner Moo and I took the boys to Scuba Diving with the Cubs and Scouts. It was really good although we couldn't see an awful lot as most of their stuff was under water. Small has been once before and was much more confident and could swim to the bottom of the pool and stay there for ages. He loved it. Smallest, who has never been before, got a high five from the instructor for listening and for doing an excellent spin on his head. He said to definitely bring him back when he is ten as he is a natural.

It was so hot spectating, it ruined my new hair!


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