Monday, 24 April 2017

Fickle Fans and half a gaggle

Oh it was another struggle getting up this morning. I could hardly open my eyes. Poor Smallest really couldn't open his eyes properly due to his tree pollen allergies. I dosed him up on eye drops, nose spray and antihistamines. He said his eyes were running but overall it helped. I also gave him a second dose before he went to bed. I had itchy runny eyes too but I forgot to take anything so I suppose that's my fault.

The boys went to school. Huffle worked and in his breaks cut down some of the trees between us and Otto and planted the soaked peas in the vegetable garden. I went to DiDi's house and did a crochet lesson. Just three of us today as one of the ladies was enjoying a week in the Capital. Today we made a bootie, looked at picot edging and talked a lot. I also gave some gardening advice. I am on a mission to get everyone bulbing and planting.

I wasn't home long before I had to go out again for my exercise class where it is just me. We worked extremely hard with weights and ab work. No legs as we concentrate on those on Wednesday. I lost my phone and it was in my car all the time but I spent a considerable amount of time looking for ExerciseNic walking her dog so by the time I got home, I only had just under an hour before the kids came home. I took full advantage and sat on the porch, had a tiny late lunch and watched Line of Duty. It was another beautiful day. Sunshiny and warm and perfect for sitting on the porch.

The boys came home and we played basketball until MrsPiano came for their lessons. Old tunes were played and new tunes learned. We also agreed a date for the piano recital.

After dinner, we took the boys to Cubs. Small should have been doing an evening hike in the forest but he chose not to go as he doesn't like the other Scouts (all much younger than him and quite silly) and he has no respect for the Leaders (can't say I blame him really). Instead he chose to help out with the Cubs as they were talking about their upcoming camp and Small is going along with them to help.

Huffle and I walked long and hard for an hour. I clocked up over 16,000 steps today. It was a good walk and the perfect temperature. Not too warm and not too cool!

The road we travelled
Half a geese formation
Local dinosaur



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